... special versions, packaging or reelases...



Dragon's Lair  II : TimeWarp  - CD-I System - Demonstration Disc            



Demonstration disc of the game, given to magazines in order to review it. I tested it, the text menu and the game itself looks like the final release of the game.



Dragon's Lair  - for PC & compatible                                                   



This german bundle includes the windows 95 cd-rom re-edition of the game, and an hints book with levels & characters description



Dragon's Lair  : DVD movie player version                                               


PSW is (or was) a monthly PS2 UK magazine who includes each month a dvd with videos of new games, previews, reviews, ... but on that issue, Dragon's Lair, the full DVD game was included. That is the version for dvd movie player, of course, playable on a Playstation 2. It contains all the features of the original dvd release such bonus, interviews, ...