... they are so many places to meet the Dragon ...
Daphne website
DAPHNE is a program that lets one play the original versions of many
laserdisc arcade games on one's PC. The offical Daphne developpers'
The place to go for downloading the emulator, asking support or help
to improve Daphne !
Digital Leisure Inc. website
Digital Leisure first acquired the rights to Dragon’s Lair, Space Ace
and Dragon’s Lair II: Time Warp in early 1997, the three games that
redefined the gaming industry in the 1980s.
A good place to buy laser disc games conversion
Dragon's Lair Project website
Since 1997, the Dragon's Lair Project is the best information sources
for laser disc gaming.
The place to go for tech center ( roms, disc players info, manuals,
... ).
Don Bluth website
Don Bluth and Gary
Goldman have focused this site on the dissemination of knowledge about
creating animation..
Meet the dad of Dragon's Lair, nothing less !