if you pay right after the end of the auction, it can stay up here in my apartment for a couple of weeks, although i'd love to see it gone the sooner the better ...
as for the other stuff, the following games are sold:
- zoo keeper
- discs of tron
- joust 2
- ice cold beer
still waiting to hear back for jungle king, paperboy and marble madness. i've got a lot of requests for track & field, but this one is NOT for sale atm - and neither is major havoc

also available are:
- toobin'
- congo bongo
- timber
- carnival
- crazy climber
- cruisn' usa twin sitdown
- indiana jones system 1 kit
- scramble
- space encounters
- space zap (got someone interested though)
- venture
- vindicators
so much for now, get them while you can and while they're hot!!!