Back on this!
Following the work done by Mikonos in this
topic :
I will show you some captures of Zaxxon Side art repro I do last year. I did two version: Arcade and Deluxe version. I saw someone of this forum has interest on. 
In progresss Zaxxon Side Art Deluxe version. By Mikonos.

In progresss Zaxxon Side Art Deluxe version. By Mikonos.

In progresss Zaxxon Side Art Deluxe version. By Mikonos.

In progresss Zaxxon Side Art Deluxe version. By Mikonos.

In progresss Zaxxon Side Art Deluxe version. By Mikonos.

Zaxxon side Art Deluxe Version finished. By Mikonos.

In progress Zaxxon Side Art Arcade Version. By Mikonos.

In progress Zaxxon Side Art Arcade Version. By Mikonos.

Zaxxon Side Art Arcade Version finished. By Mikonos.

Zaxxon Side Art version details. By Mikonos.

...let me contribute on the one of the most anticipated side art repro : ZAXXON!!!
Mikonos has the artwork, but not the shape of sticker itself. Let's see what we can do.
The first problem is ... how to reach the side of my Zaxxon

See, it's stuck at the end of my game room v2

Moving all the cabinets in that row is not possible unfortunately. The only option is to move the G-LOC...

...but it's not enough to have the full access to the side. Ok, I may remove the coin box from the G-LOC, but I'm too lazy for additional work (

So, I'll do the job like that. The invisible part of the sticker is not a problem, because I know it's a right-angled shape.
My first idea is to use a roll of glass fiber, and by transparency draw the shape of the sticker...

...mhhhh, not effective : the sheet of glass fiber is not transparent enough. So no other choice now than using the adequate tools...a rule, a square, a compass... and report all the measures on the sheet.

Time consuming (almost two hours) but effective

A last cut on the bottom of the pattern...

And the result is simply ... perfect! I can put it against the original side art sticker, it's a perfect 1:1 pattern

Next step, I'll send it to Mikonos