10th of July 2005 OK, so following the road trip :

...the next step is -of course - to see it working, and far better, playable

Here's what happens when I power up the game :

The Dragon's Lair PCB led displays
P :

Ok, the first thing to do is to get as many documentation as possible :idea: One place to go for in-deep laser disc stuff :
http://www.d-l-p.comI get the service manual for the game, and for the Laser Disc player :

It's seems that the Philips 22VP932 LDP has a problem :x

Check out the video of the LD problem ->
https://www.dragonslairfans.com/dlfix/laserdisc.AVIThe LD produce a repetitive noise... the "ON" button seems stuck... and I'm not able to eject the disc

There's a procedure in the LD manual, but not really clear

Thanks to Matteo ( Regular at D-L-P.com ) for the eject procedure confirmation
So now, I can have -a least- a look at the laser disc itself :


Thanks (again!!!) to Matteo, according the previous video of the problem, it can be an optic path problem.
Let's open the player to see if i can clean the mirrors and others optical parts :

I've used bomb air spray to remove dust from the LD player, and clean up with alcohol lens & mirrors... but the problem remains
Check out the video of the optical lens problem ->
https://www.dragonslairfans.com/dlfix/opticaljump1.AVICheck out the video of the optical lens only ->
https://www.dragonslairfans.com/dlfix/opticaljump2.AVIMhhh, it doesn't looks good at all ... It'll probably an hard fix... :cry:
Ok, I have another laser disc player, a SONY LDP 3300P.
Let's test the laser disc itself :

The laser disc seems to have no problem ( I didn't check it to the end ) : crisp image, a no laser rot... at least a good new
There are few solutions to play Dragon's Lair inside the cabinet :
Use Daphne emulator -> It'll use my Sony LDP ( it's working, see Dragon's Lair -> Daphne Project link ) but it won't use the PAL PCB with score overlay

Use a laser disc card converter, such the LaserAce or the Hi-Tech card but I'm not sure if it can works with the PAL version of the game...
Use the Matteo's EURO Dragon's Lair PC Conversion card, which it sounds the best option.
Full details here :
http://www.d-l-p.com/tech/docs/eurodl.aspIn short, it'll use my real DL pcb to play the original game with an another LD player... So I'll keep the game overlay text

That's exactly what I want to...
To complete this interface, there's a custom board to build... Matteo explains it very well on the construction section... but I'm not fluent at all with electronic construction board... oops:
To continue...