Okay, because i am not busy enough yet, lets make a start with the vector from Hard drivin's tailgate

ill start with my favorite part... Halftone.... NOT!

Better try to find me a easy way..
After some fooling around with overal distances between the dots i got a little line that has exactly the same distance:

place a copy on the calculated line above... so far so good..

and press [CTRL-D] a many times as you need dots..

i think this is just enough for the part of the exhaust pipe that i want to start..

in position after rotating it a bit and copy-ing some more dots in "wireframe" mode...
[analmode on:]
i rotated them a bit to match the original dot pattern..
[analmode off:]

And back to normal mode..

i think thats enough dots to create that part..

more later when i got time again..