Author Topic: :: Road Trip "An other kind of invaders" - Space Invader pinball [the 2nd wave]  (Read 67177 times)


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Why Space Invaders pinball?

Well, simply because It's the pinball that that reminds me more memories 'pinball related' ever. It's not really the very first pinball I played (I'm remembering a mechanical pinball as the first one played), but it's the one I really ...'enjoyed' first. Well, it's not really 'enjoyed'... I should say that it's the one who scared/fascinated me first/most! At the time I was something like 8 or 10 years old! That alien face on the backglass was the scariest thing that I've ever seen!
That pinball was -until now- a real mystery for me: because I was very young, my parents didn't let me alone in the Luna Park, and I didn't have a lot of time to spend on it  :-\  Only few parts and then... time to move away  :-\ So not enough time to 'study' it like I did later on video games.
I also remember watching my bro' playing on it... and sometime let me play one ball!
The low frequency and scary sounds, these incredible 'a la Giger' artworks, the fact that I cannot stay too close and too long around this pinball 'for adult', the name "Space Invaders" (I was already addict to the video game) even if that Alien didn't look like the ones on the original cabinet, the widebody format of this one, completely different than the others pinballs... all these things... create a real fascination around this pinball!

See, I even can remember 'its shadow' in the same Luna Park I use to go EVERY years since (see this TOPIC to understand the 'place')  :arrow:

...more than that, I clearly remember 2 or 3 in a row! A real invasion at the time  ;D

During my quest to collect arcade games all these years, I knew that one time I'll have to get that pinball! It wasn't a priority, but because I have now all the games from my 'most wanted list', I can seriously thing about it  ;) ..and I knew owning that pinball was ... [Vader voice=ON]my destiny[Vader voice=ON]...and I had to solve the mystery behind that Alien!  ;D A kind of exorcism  :P

I already met that pinball here and there, most of the time in exhibitions or game room...

Vierzon 2009 / France

Joystix / Houston USA

... and even during road trip :

M.A.C.H.3 Road Trip'

... and last but not least, a (hell of) road trip could be done to ...Budapest, Hungary... yes... Bela aka "Belike" ...but finally canceled because the pinball was in very poor condition. I don't want to restore pinballs, I already have too much work on my cabinets for the century to come  :ghost: ... I'm looking for a "plug&play" SI pinball!

... and came that post : [Wanted] Space Invaders pinball? Anyone here?  8)
After few days of research ... I found one!

OK, enough blabla... let's report the ...

Road Trip'

Saturday, the 9th of April 2011.

The sooner I leave, the sooner I'm back and so hoping to spend more time with my little Sun  :-* wake up around 5:30am. I'm preparing the usual stuff...

The ship is ready...

All systems clear!

I made the Kessel Run in this car in 12 parsecs  ;) What will be the stat at the end of this one?

Well, this time it won't be long  8)  :arrow:

I like the smell of the road trip, early the morning...

I'm not really alone in the car  :)  :arrow:

I look like a zombie here... still tired...

...and hungry ... but ... Damn it! It's too early for that one  :twisted:  :arrow:

As often during road trip, I've to focus on things here and there along the road, in order to stay awake... I try to figure out 'things' around me  :lol: For instance, I'm sure I've seen that structure in Xevious  ::)  :arrow:

The sun rises... ops, I need to clean the back glass  ::) ;D

Holy Jesus! I discovered this by looking at the pictures  :o  :arrow:

I swear God I didn't see that while taking the pictures (the idea was to take the 'baby on board' in the mirror)

What the hell is this  ???

I checked on the following photos to make sure it was not a mark on the glass. This is not the case ... strange no? Space Invaders?!  :P

OK, arriving at the border ... soon entering in France  8)

The famous Arcelor Mittal...

Mhhh...I guess I recognize an advertise here... can you spot it  ::) :P  :arrow:

Almost at location ... another invasion is coming soon on that town?  ::)

After this red light, I'll be at the final destination. 25 meters and 35 seconds to be precise, according my navigation system  8)  :arrow:

« Last Edit: June 13, 2011, 09:07:39 AM by DarthNuno »


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And here's the beast!  8)  :arrow:

Here's the story : the owner has it since 20 years. He got it from an operator who wanted to dismantle it for parts. The pinball didn't work, and the artworks on the body were not fresh anymore. It was his dream machine at the time. So he patiently restored that pinball. All the the body has been fully repainted, and of course the electronic has been repaired too. Deal!

During the conversion with the seller, we spoke about music : He's selling stuff for buying... electric guitars! You probably know that I'm also an electric guitar player. Se he invited me to the first floor in order to show me some of them  8)


"As a rock guitar player, I presume you're a KISS fan?" he asked me.

Hell yeah!!!  :-*

"Ok, take this KISS back glass with you then..."

Nice  :-* It will be a nice decoration in my Lair  ;)  

An other nice pinball : Flash Gordon... and its famous synthetic speak... I tried it, very cool one, but too bad the music is not the Queen version! FLash !!! Ah-hhaaaa  ;)

OK, time to go back. In order to load the SI in the car, we have to remove all the cables that go from the playfield to the 'top box'... So I took a maximum of pictures before... I don't want to miss something during the reverse operation @ home...

See on these pictures how good the sides looks now after the restoration  :-*  :arrow:

Let me be a proud owner of one of the 11,400 units produced :)  :arrow:

Big toy for big Boys  ;D  :arrow:

A report like this can be officially called 'Road Trip' IF it include this  ;D  :arrow:

In 1000 meters, a new invader will join the ranks of the Belgium Invaders Army  :twisted:

Do you know the famous DOUR festival? My favorite one is the Graspop (metal meeting)  :twisted: ;)

Fortunately for me, I've started this road trio very early the morning... see the traffic jam now in the opposite way!

Hey, an other UFO... no! This shuttle is clearly identified : EURO SPACE CENTER. I've never been there... shame on me  :oops:

Hey! An other guy on 'Road Trip' mode?  ;D I'm wondering what is that cab'  ;D  :arrow:

Almost at home...

Men, I'm happy to live in country, fresh air ... quiet place ... but negative point : pollen  :oops:

We here we are... let's check the statistics now  8)  :arrow:

568 km, 6h43min, 2 countries. A very small one... but ... size doesn't matter as you all know  ;D

A great thing : it's 'only' 12:38 ... it's Saturday ... the road trip is done... and I still have the 'almost' entire week end to spend with family... and with that 'Alien' too  :D

Unload process and close examination to follow  8)
« Last Edit: June 13, 2011, 09:49:40 AM by DarthNuno »


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I always wondered when you were finally gonna get around to getting one of these.

Congratulations on the sweet score, Nuno.

((And you should totally take some artsy pics of the playfield. Haven't seen one of these in person... :spaceace:))

Etienne MacGyver

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Not a big fan of pins, but this one looks mint !  :spaceace:

congrats on the catch, and thanks for sharing the trip / story with us !


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Heheh, I guess that long intro was a bit triggered by my teasing post on the WTB thread :D Glad you totally answered my question of why you wanted one. Excellent explanation !! :D

Glad to see the investment of €687.000 in the Europe-wide Eurocade promotional campaign pays off, even in the most remote corners of Europe Eurocade is promoted !

(I hope my yard will fit the 38.956 estimated visitors ;) ;)  ;D ;D ;D

Anyway, the machine looks to be in excellent condition. And I have to say that it does have great artwork even though it's not like the videogame.
Are the black legs standard for this game ? Not sure, but it looks great on it :)

That UFO picture is scary must be a sign......I hope they're not going to abduct you my friend.... ;D ;D ;D ;D

Putting back all the plugs is not really hard, but it's a lot of work. Took me an evening to figure it out on my JD (had to remove the back-box too).
I didn't even take pics (no camera with me and phone cam too shitty) so I completely relied on the manual and that was indeed good enough. So you can always fall back on the manual if needed...I'm sure you'll get  it done !

« Last Edit: June 13, 2011, 11:45:58 AM by Level42 »


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Hehehe, I knew you will find a nice SI pinball one day. ;)
This one looks awesome, that painting looks mint, it was professionally restored.
That mystery plane reminds me for the F-117 stealth fighter:

Maybe the Invaders sent it to observe your operation. ;D


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That mystery plane reminds me for the F-117 stealth fighter:

Maybe the Invaders sent it to observe your operation. ;D

Yup, my exact thoughts too!


  • ArcadeLifeStyler'
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Too low. I can't imagine the US army operating one of those secretly over Belgian/French ground at that height.
Then again, those US guys think they are allowed to do anything ;)

However, what is that thing under the right wing then ? Looks odd..

I think it is this:


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Then again, those US guys think they are allowed to do anything ;)
One of these ultra modern stelath bastards was shot down by a hungarian commander in the Serbian war in 1999 with a single rocket, cosntructed by the russians in the 1960's.


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OK but the F117 was flying there under NATO operation...

On who's side were the Hungarians then ?

Mmm, of course Google helped...

Nice cake !!

He shot the plane down on march 27 1999

Funny because Hungary joined NATO on march 12 1999...but I guess that baker was working for the Serbs then...

OK we're derailing here :D
« Last Edit: June 13, 2011, 01:29:48 PM by Level42 »


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Brilliant catch!!!!

Well... I can imagine that it's more fun to tell a story of an alien craft in the wild, and I don't want to be a party pooper here, but I'm quite sure it was something in the proximity of your roof (or maybe on it).... Why? Because the sharpness of the edges are to crisp to be far away. As you can see at other parts in the picture, let's say the tree, as the object is are further away from the roof they become less sharp...

So I would say....
« Last Edit: June 14, 2011, 08:13:05 PM by Brry71 »
LOOKING FOR: a license to print money.....

And a Pacman. And a Donkey Kong.


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Cool road trip story.
I really enjoyed it especially the beginning.
I never can get enough of those "back in the days" arcade stories and I can totally relate to that one.
You should make a podcast too Bruno with the full stories behind why you wanted this or that particular game.  ;)


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Well, I presume I won't never have an answer regarding that UFO? Anyway, I'm happy it happened during that 'Space Invaders' road trip... nice coincidence isn't it? Let's keep that mystery as a part of 'magic' in this story  ;)

Ok, let's finish the road trip. I need to get it out the of car...

These parts are easy to move on alone...

...but what about this?  ???  :arrow:

Fortunately, my neighbor is very cool and -as always- ready to help me on any 'arcade life style' stories, like unloading such 'things'  ;) :-*

More than that... the usual question : where to put it? V1 and V2 are already full of games... and this pinball is not a small one  :-\
Mhhh what about the living room? But there are already a lot of games in the house, especially in the living room? So what?

No other choice... once more in the living room!!!  8)  :oops:  ;D  :arrow:

I promise it's the last one, Darling  ::) :P ;D

Etienne MacGyver

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I promise it's the last one, Darling  ::) :P ;D

 ;D ;D ;D Yeah right, we all heard that before  ;D ;D ;D


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I guess you told her the same when you got that Computer Space. ;D