Hehe, I remember clearly paying F 75,- at that time.
With devaluation I guess it equals 75 Euro about now....
At the time I was at school and couldn't afford much, so yes it was a small fortune.
However, after having broken both original Atari 2600 joysticks (and what a pain they brought !) and after that buying a Spectravideo stick (this one:

which broke even SOONER than the original Atari's (!!!) I figured it was a good investment.
I had fallen for the Spectravideo because.....hey I was a kid. It looked very cool, the flight-stick like look. Of course I didn't realize it would suck in any non-flying game (which almost non was;) ). I also thought the suction cups to "stick" it to a table was a good idea. I was wrong on everything of course....
So Etienne, with the Suzo, you didn't play it while holding in your hand ? I did....that's why I find the Wico too large. I guess the user was supposed to put it on a table or something and play that way, but that never worked for me. The Suzo was compact enough for me (even as a kid

Took a nice series of pictures to compare the Wico vs. the Suzo.

What I find a little surprising is that the Suzo is actually just as "long"/"deep" as the Wico. The Wico is much wider though (square)...
...and it is MUCH taller: