...After the
EuroMeet 06' in UK, I went to the
Game On expo...
As requested by the Arcade Fans at the EuroMeet, here's the pictures...

Here's what overthere

Two wonderfull
Computer Space
Not playable but it's so great to see that historical cab'


The famous PDP-1 (1960) who runs the FIRST video game : Spacewar ...

... not playable, but there was a Vectrex who let you play SpaceWar

An Atari's Missile command :

A beautifull Space Invaders :

A Centipede (with a Millipede board if I remember well) :

the historical & original PONG from ATARI

...not playable directly on the cab, but you can play it... on the wall
A Space Invaders & A Space Invaders part II ... cocktail

A Ms Pac Man

General view of the first arcade cab' row.
Missile command, Dig Dug,Berzek, Galaga, Galaxian & Ms Man Pac :

Second row of arcade games.
Space Invaders, generic cab, Asteroid, Xevious, Donkey Kong & Centipede :

A beautifull Disc of Tron

...a really great game...

Hey, a Star Wars cockpit

Same config than mine

no vector monitor, but playable on mame /raster monitor

Not a big problem, the mass audiance don't see the difference
All the 'classics' were playable on the wall, with a video projector / Mame :

A Poly Play ... one of the only three arcade cab allowed in Russia by the communist

...strange cab' :

...that is for the arcade game
Hey what about Dragon's Lair

No DL cab there, but of course they can't skip that game in the history of video game of course... so here's the Dragon's Lair corner :

...yes, that is for the Dragon's Lair game... no mention to other laser disc game... Hey Jason, can you put one of your cab' there
That's it for the arcade games... but the expo includes the story of computers, consoles, ...
Here's few pictures :

Great exhibition... if you're in London, you can't misss it