Dragon's Lair Fans - Arcade Lifestyle

General Chat => Dragon's Lair / Space Ace => Topic started by: DarthNuno on June 05, 2006, 09:28:35 AM

Title: UK RoadTrip -> quest for SPACE ACE cab' !!!
Post by: DarthNuno on June 05, 2006, 09:28:35 AM
It's saturday evening... everything is ready for a big day... Tomorrow I'll meet a friend, I'll meet THE collector, I'll meet Jas' in UK , in his Lair... the biggest dedicated one in the world.
And... by the way... bring back a Space Ace cab'  :roll:  :D

If you don't know, I'm from Belgium, and I cannot go & meet Jason without bringing him something typical from my country... mhhh... Yeah... let's bring him few 'famous' Belgium beers and the 'decicated' glasses  :P


Sunday the 4rd of June, 04h22am  :

Wake up dudes !!!


Here's my new car... only 10 days old  :lol:


... a perfect weapon for doing my roadtrip  :roll:  :D

I'm so tired, but I cannot sleep...  :?  ... here's the solution :


As I said, it's a brand new car  8)  Check the counter  :arrow:


 :arrow:  435 km, ok !

Let's start, it's 5:24am  :arrow:


... nice car, this old ferrari...


... welcome in france  8)  ...


Hanh is taking some rest  :)


...after 3h45 approx of driving, we arrive at the eurotunnel


It's the second time we get it ( first one was for the Dragon's Lair II & Star Cockpit roadtrip here : https://www.dragonslairfans.com/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=73 )


It's 09:05am uk times, we're in UK  :o


...driving on the left  8)


...strange bikes  :D


ARRIVING @ the Finny's Lair  :P  :P  :P

  :arrow: visiting of the Lair, talking about the arcade 'scene', anectodes, playing the games, playing on the Dragon's Lair serial #1 cab... playing on the Dragon's Lair serial #1 cab...did you hear ? ...playing on the Dragon's Lair serial #1 cab  :P  :P  :P
During more than 4-5 hours of pure pleasure  :arrow:


 :arrow: Hanh is sleeping in the Lair  :D  :D  :D

I'll describe this visit -in deep- in an other post, but you best believe me that is the most beautifull dedicated room I ever see  :shock:  

Ok, back to the topic  :wink:  

The Space Ace cab is very damaged... a lot of water damage  :? missing parts, ...  It'll be an huge restauration project, but it really deserves it ! A good challenge.


 Well, the first mission is to move the cab from the top of the ground, to the car...  :?  :?  :?


...Oh my good...  :shock:  ... Hopefully, I'm with Jas 'Space Ace' ...  :)


The second stage is to pass that hole  :D


The pick-up is the issue  8)   :arrow:


...moving the cars...


...starting to load...


... it WAS a brand new car  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  8)  


No problems  :arrow:  The cab is now safe in the car... and few goodies too  :wink:

Thanks again to Jas' to be so kind with us  :) We hope to meet you very soon.


OK, time to go back to Belgium. No control with the customs... but ... we are just behind them during all the eurotunel trip  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:


It's 11:05 pm where we're @ home... let's see  :arrow:


 :arrow:  973 km... not too bad  :wink:  But visinting the Jas' Lair really worth it... and... oh... by the way... I've now my Space Ace cab  :lol:  :roll:

Ok, there will be A LOT OF work to bring it back to life, and restore it... but ... the Buth cab trilogy is close to be completed  :P





Stay tuned for the restoration process...  :wink:  8)
Title: UK RoadTrip -> quest for SPACE ACE cab' !!!
Post by: DarthNuno on June 06, 2006, 09:27:31 PM
Monday morning :

After one night in my car, it's time for her to discover her new home  8)


I'll have a lot of work on it, and I don't want to do the restoration inside my gaming room (:evil: dust :evil: ) ... so I'll do the job inside my house, at the first level... what an idea  :shock:  :oops:  :roll:  :wink:


Oh now... We are stuck  :?  :?  :?  But not for long  :idea:  :idea:  :idea:


 :idea:  :idea:  :idea:


...the way is clear...


...and there it is  :D


... I call this place the 'Restoration Room'  :D ...
Title: UK RoadTrip -> quest for SPACE ACE cab' !!!
Post by: FINNY(uk) on June 09, 2006, 09:31:23 AM
Hey Bruno,

Great Pictures, I always love you documented road trips, I was great to see you and your wife again...even though she was asleep :D

Look forward to seeing you when we have another UK Meet, we will have to sort out a date when Matteo can visit, usually Matteo, Justin Goodheart and Rich savine stay at mine, and all the other UK collectors come down for the day Sat/Sun...hopefully Namfreak can make it this time.

Let us all know your progress with the Space Ace cab.

Keep up the great work with this site.

Take care and all the best
-Space Ace jas
Title: UK RoadTrip -> quest for SPACE ACE cab' !!!
Post by: po|ng on June 09, 2006, 06:10:50 PM
Hey Bruno!

You can't imagine what a great help is for me to look at the pictures you take during your trips/restorations!! Thanks to this last pic, I understood which kind of lamp i had to use for marquee lighting! Have a look..


Very close, don't you think?  :D

I can't wait to see your SA restored and working!

Forza!   :lol:
Title: UK RoadTrip -> quest for SPACE ACE cab' !!!
Post by: DarthNuno on June 10, 2006, 08:06:32 AM
Hey There,

Thanks for your nice words  :)  I'll need a lot of support for that restoration   :wink:

Show time here  :arrow:  :arrow:  :arrow: https://www.dragonslairfans.com/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=106