...Wednesday, the 27th of april...... like most of Road Trip, it starts very early...

... a little bit cold, and the sky is still dark at 6:41am, but I'm in the state 'RoadTrip', so I'm cool ;-)
For that game, I need a truck !!!

Of course, I cannot do this roadtrip alone, so I call one of my best friend 'Burt'

He's ill, the picture don't show that, but I assure you he's Ill !!! Thanks for him for being there anyway... Burt, you rock :-)
So we start to drive to France ( Remember, I'm from Belgium )

This is the first time I'm driving such truck..
After two hours of driving, a little pause, and I take an other picture of the truck :
On the road again... again...
Hey, the cops are there...
No stress, there no game inside the truck... yet :-)
After 3h30 of driving...
... here we are, at Meyenheim near Colmar... 350km from home

The seller 'Philippe' is very cool... here's his room :

STARBLADE is there !!! But there is also a
Virtua Racing and a
Road Drivin' cab
Ok, let's prepare it for loading...

... it takes times...

Start to load it
Loud Loud Loud !!!

Loud Loud Loud !!!
All is loaded

Arghh, time to pay for it... :cool:

Closing the door... and one more StarBlade saved ;-)

Argh, now we're hungry
Jesus Christ, a MacDo there... "Abemus Papam"

Well, no wasted times, I've to bring back the truck before 18:00

... We must pay for driving on the french highway

Few hours later, the Belgium border is near... near... near ;-)

Well, the real job start here... How to get in this monster into my house ?
Hopefully, I've got some help ;-)

...pull of the seat...

... the main part... hopefully we're four of us !!!

Yeah, there are wheels ... it helps ;-)

How to put in the main part without destroy the border's door ?
There is the key :!

Nice idea, isn't it ? ;-)

Showtime... ;-)

YEAHH, it's in

Good general state; but it need to be washed up
There is the monitor... very loud

Let's put in the seat + fligh yoke...

I've no more space in the room, So I pull out the Virtua Fighter

... so loud:roll:

Ok, the seat now !!!

After unloaded all the 3 pieces :

I've to clean it up, then I'll assemble it & PLAY IT
Stay tuned for the preparation :-)