So...........let's sum this up.
Mamemarquees used to have a Centipede CPO on sale called the BRIGHT blue version.
I ordered this and installed it. I compared the colors with the ORIGINAL CPO and to my eyes, and as you can see on the pictures they are pretty damn acurate. Maybe, just maybe they are 1% off.
Next, some German guys discover that there is some errors in the positioning of the mushrooms. I didn't even notice it before !!!
They ask the file from Mamemarquees so they can correct the errors. The only thing that needed to be corrected IMHO was the positioning of the artwork, NOT the colors. (except for the yellow/orange like color).
Awaiting this, Mamemarquees REMOVES the bright blue version from his site so we cannot order this any more awaiting the corrected file.
Please help me....where did this go wrong ?
I mean, I know I would prefer a picture perfect screen printed bright blue Centipede CPO for all the Irish built cabs BUT having a reasonable alternative is better than nothing IMHO.
Matching the blue to the bezel is never going to be accurate. The inks are different to print on perspex and the aging has influenced the colors too (sunlight maybe).
Anyway, as it stands we now have NOTHING to put on those Irish Ceni CPO's......

(Since it's a pretty old thread, I'll put up two of the pics again here:

To be clear: what you see is the ORIGINAL Bright blue Mamemarquees repro (inkjet !) and the original scraps I removed from my CPO.....color errors on pic or not, my eyes are VERY picky when it comes to colors.