ok, here's an update. i've finally received the color sample printout from jörg - here's how this baby looks like (i put it underneath the original bezel to flat out)

one of those segments in detail

as you can see, the individual square are VERY TINY with the exception of the center square. and here's where we stand: i have an old worn original overlay, a print by scott from mamemarquees (the one that andré has on his centi) and an original bezel. problem: those three items all have different color shades, e.g. none of the blues is identical. imho it would be the best idea to match the reproduction overlay colors to the colors of the bezel, because the original overlay is definitely discolored (you can see that at spots which had been covered by buttons for example).
the problem with matching the colors to the bezel are that there is the thick sheet of plexi on top of the print itself, which means tht i cannot put the color samples from scott directly next to the bezel colors PLUS the individual squares of the color samples are so small, it's close to impossible to see if the color really fits well.
to be honest guys, i have no idea how to tackle this from here. i've spend a good time today staring at those colors and trying to compare them and while i'm often very close to the original, it just doesn't work out the way i had hoped it would.
i need some input here, please!