Did you remember this picture

(see the story right here
YES !!! This is finally happens
Ok... here's the plot

Friday 8th of may 2009 :

This time, it's not gonna be a HUGE road trip... because I'm not very far from Paris

Anyway, as usual, I'll have to calculate some stats

Back to root... Darth Nunette will be a part of the story

She was living in Paris before we meet each other.
This road trip is more than a road trip, so let's say it's gonna be a week end in Paris *features* a road trip

On the road, here's
Woinic, the biggest wild boar (razorback) in the world (14 meters long!)

... nothing special on the road... we are very close to Paris now... wanna meet Mickey by the way?

Arriving in Paris... on its famous "boulevard périphérique" : it's a road that allow the cars to make a ring around the city, on its external border...

It's a little bit early for the meeting with the seller, so let's go inside Paris... it's time to eat ... let's go inside our favorite area : "Le treizième arrondissement" or "China Town"... Japanese food

Note : Because it's a road trip about 'Voltaire'... I've the permission to put some French words here & there

Ok, let's go to the seller now... I set my nav car system... and it decides to make us drive in the heart of Paris... why not

Hey? What's this?!!!

Opsss... sorry Honey... I just want a picture of the "L'Arche de Triomphe"

This is "La Defense"

Ok... we are very close from the seller now ... one more castle and...

...here we are

The seller is extremely nice & kind... he explain me everything on this pinball

Everything has been cleaned recently.... see

I'm very happy to finally find the BEST pinball I've ever see & play... I'm in love with this Cirqus Voltaire

Let's load this baby now

Well... loading pinballs is not something I'm familiar with... Let's think first ... how to put a pinball into a car

Fortunately, the seller is THE man for this ...

Now, the worst part... money !!! I prefer not to do this, and I ask my wife to do it for me

Did you notice on the car? I love road trips ... always good surprises

Deal done now

Because this is not only a road trip, we are not going home now... let's go now to the Nunette's family house... but what to do with this valuable pinball inside my car during the week end in Paris ? Let's cover it at least...
Saturday... :
Wake up in Paris
Impossible to get my car, because of the pinball inside

so let's take the car of the wife's family

OK, it's time to meet a 'DLF' member '
Remi 75', in the shop where he's working with two associates... let's go to

It's good to see arcade decorations like that

... directly at the entrance of the shop

Here's Remy

Some GREAT items here... see this

100% original & working! Remy plugs it specially for me

NAMCO France proposes them to buy this Puck Man for a big amount of money, but they prefer to keep it

See this Space Invaders

A lot of goodies :



Of course you can buy here arcade parts, components, converters, ...

...MVS, arcade boards, ...