Hey guys,
Long time that i have posted here, but i want to take you guys with me on a journey that is waiting for a long time...
As you might know, my Zacc's where always at my mom's attic because of lack of space (and a complaining wife that did not want such a woodenbox in the house)
Well, as you also might know, that last barrier is not in my life anymore, so its time to bring the zacc that is left home.
The other dedicated Crazy kong was sold to CKONG, and he still has it as far as i know, leaves me with the 2e zacc which was parted out completely
Time to get this baby to my house as a winter project.

Moved the zacc from the attic downstairs, that was the hardest part, 2 narrow turning staircases, but its down

After transporting it in the car, its waiting to enter the house

This will be a nice spot to place the zacc

Installed the bezel, which has a little flaking unfortunately, but it has the same style as the side art.

Years ago i obtained a bootleg crazy kong marquee from SuperUlly, it will do for now.
If anyone has a Vanguard Marquee, i am interested, because that has the same artstyle as the cabinet and bezel
Same for the CPO, but i think i will have one made by Barry.

I have a bunch of parts still here, and in the pile i have 2 MTC900 monitors.
Lets see if at least one of them works

I have a Crazy kong Board set here, in fact, i have part 1 from Muerto many years ago, and i have a Part 2
The idea was to install both and use a switcher between them, but as i only have space for one cabinet, and i also like to play other games, i did order a 60 in 1, just to have some other games.
A pc with a mame setup could also be a solution for multigames, but to be honest, i am a bit tired of configuring the stuff and i want to use a real MTC 900, and thats also complicated with a pc setup.
Later more on this