I know very little about all this stuff, but I assume that this one would be relatively easy to vectorize/recolor ?
This is the CP of my NSM-Namco Puckman cab that I scanned and very clumsy collated (which shows my talents at this work

This Puckman I have seems to be the only known one in the world. All others I've seen are different. So, getting a replacement CPO is out of the question at this moment.
This art is directly silk screened on the CP but the only way to improve this is have a fixed up version printed on vinyl.
The original colors are luckely included in the scans: under the buttons there was still some protective foil that covered the CP inks for it's entire lifetime. Luckely all available colors are in there.
I am already extremely happy that Dex invested all this time into the Joust but I am ONLY wondering if this would also be so much work or could require less time because of the relative simple artwork ? Or maybe I can do this one myself ?
Thanks !!!