(also posted on KLOV)
http://forums.arcade-museum.com/showthread.php?t=338364&page=2Just got a TSC (TSC-GM) cocktail cab that really, really looks like a Nintendo.
But no Nintendo markings anywhere : neither on the serial plate nor on the Control Panels... and unfortunately no PCB but an edge connector.
Has the original Nintendo wiring bee hacked?
There is also a Galaxian instruction sheet (in German) under the glass.
When I look at the manual from the KLOV thread , I have the exact table pictured on the schematics.
Also, I see dipswitches that are similar to the "classical" Galaxian.
And the schematics of the 2 PCBS & rom board when put side by side also look like a Galaxian...
as well as some refernces on the wiring schematics such 41, 42, 44 which lead me to believe the 44-pin edge connector may be original after all
So dropping an unconventionnal and possibly stupid idea : could that be a Galaxian-in-a-Nintendo cab i.e. some sort of collaboration between Namco and Nintendo?
Or Namco using Nintendo cocktail production lines to issue a few Galaxian cocktails?
Ever heard of something similar?
Could some enlighten me?
NB : the seller just told me he bought it in Germany and it comes from a whorehouse.