4 player PONG is from now on obligated for all future parties IMHO
Now that WAS fantastic !!!!! So amazing how maybe the most basic of video games can give so much fun !!! I had a blast playing that......and it turned out I wasn't half-bad at it....maybe because "I have the most experience" with it ?

Man....what a weekend.....went by like a (Space) Zap !!!!
We totally enjoyed it....the location is awesome, the games were lots of fun, but as always, the people make Eurocade GREAT !!!
Thanks SOOOOO much to the entire team of girls and guys who organized everything and worked so hard during the day, you did a perfect job and really managed to capture the Eurocade feeling
Also big thanks for everyone who brought cabs !!!
Excellent dinner as well, and I loved that you guys stuck to the "18.00hrs-machines off-dinner time" concept

PRC thanks for taking up the glove the first (and hopefully not the last

) international Eurocade ROCKED