Hi guys.
Those who were at Eurocade last year (and played a round of Super Sprint) might have noticed that finding the (black) start buttons is not an easy task when the environment is dark. The same was here when we had a party last November. Even with all the marquee lights and the gameroom lighting they were hard to find. I wanted to change this.
So I searched a shop offering leafswitch buttons in the necessary colours (red/blue/yellow) and found a german pinballshop (thepinwitch.com).
They look great

but I was a little 'confused' that the blue button had a bright white spot in the middle when lit from behind.

I tried to dye it but everything failed. So I just gave it a try and in the end it's not that worse at all

OK, so I used a Dremel tool (sort of) to make room for the two LED-cables.

The 3mm-LEDs fit perfectly inside the button shaft.
I used a red, blue and yellow LED with a resistor (100 ohms) for each LED.
I removed the black buttons and installed the transparent ones at the right place.
I then cut the red and black wire (they supply the 5V and GND for the optical logic board of the steering wheels) and crimped them together with the 3 wires for the button LEDs.

Mounted the controlpanel to the cab and voilá....no more searching for start buttons in dark rooms