Hi everybody.
I'd like to make this an ongoing thread where you can show off the stuff you received for your cab(s). Sometimes you get parts you will use for restoration or repair later but you want to show them when you get them

I'd like to start with two things I received recently.
1st: Thanks to André my Journey now has a DECENT replacement for the cassette player. A Magnavox D6600. It's so cool thatit's one from Magnavox, the first publisher of a home videogame console Odyssey...thanks, André!!

I will show pictures later, unfortunateley the ones I made with my cellphone are blurry

2nd: A replacement controlpanel for the Missile Command. Those who played it might have noticed that the panel is bent. This is from welding the additional holes that were drilled into it. Some nice guy from KLOV decided to let go his repro panel. I will make more pics when it was installed in the cab. Totally love it, it's gorgeous