well then, in between all those cosmetic surgeries i shouldn't forget that there is a game waiting to be played at some point in the future. that's why i'm turning to the wiring of the cab now (but don't worry, the cosmetic operations will continue nevertheless).
as i've said before, i've never wired a cab and i'm not an electronic expert (mildly speaking). that's why there are MANY QUESTIONS coming up.
the first thing i've done is take the pleaids wiring schematics and colour the corresponding wires to make things easier. here's how this looks:

i will start with some simple (?) questions first:
(1) where do the "dc power supply outputs" go to (connect to WHERE)?
(2) could someone give me a short (but understandable) introduction what the function of those +5v (green), -5v (orange), +12v (red) and 0v (grey, blue on the coin door connector, turquoise) wires are? why the different voltages, why PLUS and MINUS and ZERO volts?
that's enough for now, more questions to follow - PROMISE