*** Emergency Room mode ON ***
Nurse: "Doctor, let's start the operation, will we?"
Doctor: "There seems to be some kind of "cancer" growing on the cab which wasn't part of the original condition."
Nurse: "What shall we do with it?"
Doctor: "CUT IT OUT, OF COURSE!!!"

Doctor: "The operation was a success, the tumor has been completely removed!"

*** Emergency Room mode OFF ***
Speaking of removal, I've also removed all the screws, nails and bolts which were put into the cabinet unnecessarily and for modification purposes only. Damn, that's a lot of metal!!!

I was then able to remove the damaged front. Unfortunately, because of all those screws, nails and bolts, a part of the wood has broken off - but some glue will do the trick!

Here are all the "metal-damaged" parts from the cabinet's front lined up. I will replace all of them!

To do so, a visit to the home depot is required:

Mission accomplished!!!