Some basic info guys:
- Registration is done via a PM to me

- when you arrive at the clubhouse please report to Etienne or Pieter (Gyruss) near the entrance of the gameroom (with good weather

). They will help you, give you info and accept your entry fee of €15. PLEASE have this ready in cash in the right amount.....we have very little change and this payment can ONLY be accepted in cash
- drinks and snacks you buy at the bar can be paid in cash but we prefer debit cards instead (in Dutch, PINnen) (we don't want to keep a lot of money in the clubhouse for obvious reasons). You can open a "bill" at the bar under your name which you pay BEFORE YOU LEAVE. We're going to trust you guys on this, if you fail to pay at the end you are screwing US because we will have to "settle the bill". We know a lot of you guys and we know who we can trust but there's also some new people....and yes sadly we have had bad experiences before (stuff being stolen....).
- there will be some small snacks served by us free of charge at the bar throughout the event.
- ONLY if you are bringing (a) cab(s) you can drive up on the paved area in front of the building. Please report to Etienne/Pieter FIRST though as there may already be too many vehicles there.
- The crew will try as much as possible to help with unloading and loading again but we cannot guarantee this.
- As soon as your cab are safely in the building, please remove your car from the pavement and park them in one of the streets around the building (note: there are NEW extra parking spots, so we have even more spots than before !)
- Please let us know NOW if your machine needs a credit button. These can be installed temporarily without damage to your coin door free of charge for the event.
- Dinner will be at 18h. sharp. We _will_ turn of all machines and close the game area during that time.
- We would like to make a picture with all attending people just before dinner so please be around the bar area at that time.
- Smoking is strictly not allowed inside the building. Smoking is allowed outside but please check if you're not bothering others.
- The clubhouse is located in a residential area. Lots of homes surround it. Please be cautious about this, especially in the evening hours, it is easy to cause noise...
- We all enjoy a couple of drinks but please keep this within reasonable limits. The bar personnel has the right (and instruction) to refuse alcoholic drinks if they judge you have had enough. Under 18's are not allowed to drink alcohol according to Dutch law.
- Respect the machines !!! Many of these machines have undergone hours and hours of careful restoration. Some parts are "unobtanium"....treat those machines as if they are yours.... we WILL throw out anyone not keeping to these rules.
- NO FOOD OR DRINKS IN THE GAMEROOM !!!! Reason, see above. Enjoy your drinks at the bar and have a nice chat

Sorry but this had to be mentioned again
Let's make it a LOAD of fun guys