I found it really good in the one player mode.. but total confusing when playing with 4. 

shooters are solo challenging games. 1 credit, one run : die and retry.

It's true it can be confusing when 4 'casual modern shooter' players are on the game. In that case it's more a fun competition for scoring! (like Galaxian3), and you don't really have time to really enjoy the beauty of the graphics, the effects, and the WONDERFUL Zuntata musics tracks

In this scenario you really don't care about the use of the credits to finish the levels...
When more 'experimented' players are on, it's time for cooperative strategies... especially because the different ships you can select are different in the use of the key weapon of the game : the use of the BURST! It's like Gauntlet... several characters with their own specific characteristics.
When played alone (which is my case 95% of the time), it's an incredible experience. Learning patterns, elaborate strategies to defeat bosses, finish the level with one credit, scoring... and enjoy the beauty of this game!

Now that the Chronicle mode is unlocked, it's more than an arcade game, it's now a game with HUNDREDS of levels!!!
This DariusBurst EX is the best experience I ever had on 'modern' arcade game! I strongly recommend this cabinet! TAITO RULEZ!