Author Topic: The Gauntlet Legends - Mame/Dreamcast project ...and finally back to GL :-)  (Read 167574 times)


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OK, here's the plot... 11th of September 2004 [ sad birthday date, bad coincidence ] I bought four arcade games cabinet at my local arcade game shop : AB Cop, NBA Jam, Virtua Fighter and GAUNTLET Legends, for a real nice deal. All perfectly working and great condition ! Especially the Gauntlet Legends.

Ok, I Already have a Mame/Daphne cabinet, but on a generic arcade cabinet...   8)

The fun is present, but the cabinet isn't spectacular... and it is too small for me, the control panel isn't accurate, and not finished at all...  :?

SO it's time to build my definitive Daphne/Mame cabinet... and the Gaunltet Cab' look perfect for that job  :D

Ok, back to the local shop, here's the Gaunltet Legends, waiting for a decent house, mine  :D   :!:

And the three other games :

Ok, fine to buy arcade games, but how to bring them at location  :roll:  :?:

Charlxy, a friend of mine ( drummer in my band 'Vaselyne Connexion @ ) was the solution. Thanks for help buddy ...  :roll:  :wink:

Here's the man in action  :D  :D  :D

What a beast isn't it ?  :twisted:  :twisted:  :twisted:

And the others...

It was like an old drem, bringing back arcade games at home... fun to see people wondering what the F@# on the behind the car  :D  :D  :D   :twisted:  :twisted:  :twisted:

OH my god, these cab' are so loud  :evil:  :evil:  :evil:  It was pretty easy to load them, but what a shame to install them on location in my house  :!:  :evil:  :!:  :shock: I hope never doing that again soon  8)

Ok, now let's just focus on the main purpose : GAUNTLET LEGENDS  8)  :roll:  :! ...the others games will have their own threat soon ...

Ok, the general condition of the cabinet is great, I give it a 9/10  :!:

See :

Only the control panel have some scratch on the corner on the side...

The control panel is PERFECT :

The game running fine, all joysticks / push buttons work perfect.

The only problem is the monitor  :?

It's a Wells Gardner 27K7501, 27" 25Khz medium resolution.

When playing the game, you don't see the problem, but when I go to the test mode-> monitor test, I've got a convergence problem, seeing at top left and in the down of the picture :

It's not notifiable when you're playing Gauntlet Legends, because it's a modern game, full of color and animation, but I wonder how it will looks when I'll play some old games with static display, and basic shapes  :?:  :roll:

Living in Belgium isn't cool for few things.... :?:  :?:  :?:  buying an arcade monitor brand new by exemple  :evil:  :evil:  :evil:
I can of course buying an Wells Garder from US but shipping cost is (price give by Wells Gardner directly) :

Door-To-Airport: $258.00
Door-To-Door: $358.00

Oppps  :!:  :(  And for my project, I would like to use modern arcade monitor, with a VGA input connector.... and the best option is the Wells Garnder D9200 27".... It will perfectly fit in my Gaunltet Legends.... But as you know all, the D9200 has a lot of problem, even brand NEW  :shock:  :(  So, I'm really not confortable for paying so much, and receive a defective one  :?

OK, then I call Happs control UK, and they are able to provide me a D9200 monitor but the price raise up... matter of taxes, import, blablbabla... ok  :x  :?  :roll:

Ok, I don't have to be so hurry... monitor is the most expensive part of an arcade game... expect the Jamma+ Gauntlet Legends game itself...

So let's check if I can find others kind of arcade monitor in europe  :?

 8)  8)  8) YEEEESSSSS  :)  an HANTAREX monitor distributor is located in... BELGIUM  8)  8)  8) and they sell the ultimate arcade monitor : The  famous POLOSTAR... but no luck for me : there are a 25" or 28"  :evil:  :evil:  :evil:  no 27"  :evil:  :evil:  :evil:

The 25" will look to small inside the cab, the 28" won't fit at all !!! Sad !!!

So I try to found other alternative   :idea:   found a TV CRT to put inside the cab  :?:   It's a serious option... but I decided to choose something else first :

The Universal Video Converter from happs

It allows to get a signal from a VGA 15 pin connector and convert it to display on the 25Khz monitor.

Remember my convergence monitor problem... It maybe won't be too notifiable on most of game, so before changing my monitor, I prefere to check it first with the UVC convertor.

 :roll:  :roll:  :roll: Ok, before knowing that my monitor was a 25Khz and not a standart 15khz, I have ordered an ARCADEVGA card + JPAC from ultimarc. Here's the order :

Well, it will be useful for another cab'  :oops:  :roll:   :wink:  

OK, now the great DEBATE : preserve an original game, or MAME the cab  :?:  :roll:  :!:

BOTH !!!

I won't destroy that wonderful cab', but I really want to use it for all my others games ( Daphne, mame, PC or even PS2... ), so what to do  :?: ...

The Control Panel is perfect, and it will be a crime to modify it  :!:  :evil:

My first idea was to buy a brand new QuaD SlikStick pannel :
, but :

1) It's expensive, even if the quality worth it, because, as always the shipping cost for Beglium are huge
2) Without control panel overlay, the Gauntlet Legends won't be Gauntlet Legends anymore...
3) many adaptation have to be done to fix the SlikStick Quad on the Cab.

So.... What to do  :?:

The solution is EBAY... The FORCE is with me :

Here's the magical parts :

1)Midway Gauntlet Dark Legacy control panel that is complete and in excellent condition :

Thanks Garth for shipping it from Canada ;-)

2)Midway Gauntlet Legends metal control panel  :

Thanks Kyle  for shipping it from US ;-)

I've won these 2 items last week, so I'm hardly waiting the packages  :roll:  :D  :twisted:

I won't touch to my original Control Panel, so I'll preserve the original !

I'll transform the Dark Legacy Control Panel, adding buttons, spinner, trackball, ...

The order to happs are already done... now I'm waiting for :

- IPAC4 ... hey, I'm a Gauntlet owner, so it must be 4 players pannel !!! ( to order )
- SlikStick Tornado Spinner ( order has bee done, on the way... )
- Dark Legacy Complete CPO + Gauntlet Legends Overlay ( from ebay, on the way ... )
- UVC + pushbuttons from happs ( order has been done, on the way... )

- Trackball ( to order )
- 4 joysticks 8-ways ( to order ). The original Gauntlet Legends joysticks are 49ways optical... I'm looking now if it's possible to use them as a 8ways... any ideas ?

... to be continue  8)  :wink:
« Last Edit: June 29, 2014, 10:13:11 PM by DarthNuno »


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The Gauntlet Legends / Mame Daphne Project - in progress...
« Reply #1 on: October 19, 2004, 07:52:49 PM »
18th of October 2004 :

Got packages from HAPP CONTROL & SlikStik  :P

Here's the all the stuff in the box :

Many cables / wires / pushbuttons...

... but most important :


The TORNADO SilkStik Spinner ( the best ever ) :

Ok, the MAME project can start now  :twisted:

First of all, remove the Gauntlet Legends PCB (huge°  :?  :twisted:

Note that the Gauntlet Legends game in a JAMMA+ pcb, so easy to plug off, exept the four 49ways joysticks directly connected on the pcb itself.

Note at this point : I've ordered 2 converter Happ49joy to USB from DAVE ... Hope I'll get them fast  :roll:  :roll:  :roll:

Ok, now the pcb is completely removed... naked on the floor :

note the 3DFX card connected on the pcb...

Ok, as I said previously I don't want to change any original Gauntlet part, as far as possible, so... to connect the HAPP Universal Video Converter to the Monitor [Wells Gardner 27K7501] I prefer to build an home made cable than to transform the existing Jamma one...

SO i cut  from an old AT power supply two cables that fit EXACTLY the WG monitor pin in / UVC pin out :

Finished :

:?:  Ok, now it's time to plug everything and power on  :!:  :!:    :?

WOW, the image is FANTASTIC, it's really look like a PC monitor  :D  :D

It's a great to see a computer picture on an arcade monitor. the WG is a medium resolution, so that's the reason why (IMO) the picture looks so beautifull ( comparing to my other low res arcade monitors ), but I'm sure the UVC does a great job too  :wink:  8)

Ok, go back to the wiring... I was so hurry to plug everything... what a mess for this 'HURRY TESTING CONFIGURATION'  8)  :wink:

Now it's time to start mame & check the picture quality on the move... I mean the quality of the scrolling by exemple  :twisted:  :roll:   :?:

Ok let's start with my usual game test : PACMANIA and his fantastic Horizontal/Vertical smooth scrolling...

PERFECT ! PERFECT... no de-synch at all while the low smooth scrolling... I'm using Synch to Monitor refresh option in mame87 and I force the output to 800x600.

 ( Ops, by the way I'm using an Athlon 2.2GB 512ram ATI Radeon9200 nut I'll describe later my full configuration )

Ok few 'in game' pictures :

Gauntlet, the original one  8)

And last, but not least my baby  :wink:

Ok... I've to wire properly now ... so to be continued  8)  8)
« Last Edit: April 03, 2012, 06:41:39 PM by DarthNuno »


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The Gauntlet Legends / Mame Daphne Project - in progress...
« Reply #2 on: October 21, 2004, 02:29:43 PM »
21th of October 2004 :

I got this :  :D  :D  :D

Indispensable tools for Arcade Games Renovation  8)   :!:  :!:  :!:

to be continued...  :wink:
« Last Edit: April 03, 2012, 06:42:03 PM by DarthNuno »


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The Gauntlet Legends / Mame Daphne Project - in progress...
« Reply #3 on: October 23, 2004, 12:27:33 AM »
22 th of October 2004 :

Ok, it's time to incorporate the engine inside this cab, i mean to put the computer in it  :?

A real cabinet use button or switch to power on , and of course I don't want to power a computer each time I want to play... so how to hide the computer, but keeping it easy to switch on  :roll:  :?:

The solution is easy :to hack the PC led / power switch... here it is before the hack :

Zoom on the 4 items to hack : power switch, reset switch, power led & hdd power :

All of them are now unplugged from the computer front panel. Here they are sitll connected on the motherboard:

Nice to have power switch far from the computer, but what if I have to remove the computer from the cab, I mean for swaping hardware or repair  :?:  And I don't want to touch the cables inside the computer anyway so  :?:  :?:  :?:

 :idea:  I NEED SOMETHING EASY TO PLUG / UNPLUG  :twisted:  :wink:

OK, here my solution, let's have a look at this :

I'll hack serial connectors  :twisted:  :twisted:  :twisted:

Here's the first hack.... it will link the motherboard pins to the outside serial male db9 plug :

In the same time; I need a small and nice front panel for the power/reset swith & power/hdd led... but mmmm :roll:  mmmm the original computer front panel has been detroyed in order to remove all the stuff, my first idea is to use this :

I get the cover from a 5 1/4 pc slot... resized, and 4 holes VOILA  :)  
Oh by the way, the first use of my new Black & Decker tools is sweeet  ( thanks Hanh ) :P  :lol:

... to be continued ;-)    ( too tired this evening :oops:  :?  )
« Last Edit: April 03, 2012, 06:43:20 PM by DarthNuno »


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The Gauntlet Legends / Mame Daphne Project - in progress...
« Reply #4 on: October 23, 2004, 09:21:19 AM »
23 th of October 2004 ( morning ) :

Here's the assembled view of the switch / led and the modified cover. Note at this point there aren't fixed definitevely toether ( need 'super glue' ) :

The empty hole will be for the sound power led.

Yeahhhh it's working, no mistake !  :D  :D  :D

Ok, so now each time I've to remove the computer from the Cab', I just to unplug one serial db9 from the computer.   :idea:  :wink:
I've to choice now where to put my 'custom made' power/led panel... I'll check that l8ter...  :arrow:

The power/led is now solved, let's take care abound sound in mame...

The HP Computer Speaker Hack  :twisted:  :twisted:  :twisted:  

I already done such kind of hack previously, in my first mame cab  :roll:  :wink:

Let's do it again...

The victim :

 :idea:  The idea is to use only the electronic parts, not the speker themsefl... I'll use the original Gauntlet speakers of course  :!:

After breaking it, here's what to use :

Now, remember my basis idea : Preserve the original Gauntlet parts ... So I don't want to remove  existing wires, and I want to be able to switch from Mame configuration to Gauntlet Legends easily, without cut or use soldier  :?

So for all new wires, I'll use these parts [ by the way, sorry for my poor english  :oops:  :cry: ] for easy swap

With this kind of adapter I'm able to plug easily my custom board hack :

Ok time to put everything together...  :roll:  8)   Yeah no problem at all... I able to listen DREAM THEATER '6:00' on my Gauntlet Cab  :twisted:  :twisted:  :twisted:   :roll:

Well, the last step for the audio / power / led pannel will be this question : " how to put them together, and how & where to install them ?

The answer is the next post ... to be continued  :roll:  :wink:
« Last Edit: April 03, 2012, 06:44:20 PM by DarthNuno »


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The Gauntlet Legends / Mame Daphne Project - in progress...
« Reply #5 on: October 23, 2004, 11:13:27 PM »
23 th of October 2004 ( evening ) :

Now let's fix on the cab the custom switch/led control panel...

I need power glue to fix the switch  on the custom cover, wood screws & cable ties for fixing the whole panel inside the cab' :

Ok, now I've fixed the switches with glue.

Inside the cab, behind the coins door, everythink is black   :arrow:  I don't want to see cables with other colors than black  :twisted:

I'm using black ruban to hide all the cables.

Let's fix the HP pcb hack inside the cabinet, just behind the coins door for easy access, with 2 screws, and use cable ties to attach the custom power/led control panel :

it looks great for me   8)  :D

Ok, so on the custom panel, in front :

- Powerswitch
- Reset switch
- Computer Power green led
- HP sound board green led
- Computer HDD red activity led

and in the bottom of my custom panel

- Hp soundboard volume control
- Hp soundboard power switch

in action :

Since this custom panel build, I don't need to have the computer outside the cab, and even better, I don't need to acces the front of the computer anymore... As you can see on the following picture, all the cables / connexion are easy accessible when I open the backdoor of the cabinet. And the computer will be easily removable for maintenance  :idea:  :D

I also fixed the Universal Video Converter, near the monitor.

Voila, now I'm waiting for the others parts ( IPAC4, Joy49way adapter, trackball, spare Gauntlet Legacy CP, ...)

... and the most difficult part of this project are coming...  :roll:  :?   :arrow:  Build the Control Panel ...

To be continued  8)
« Last Edit: April 03, 2012, 06:45:00 PM by DarthNuno »


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The Gauntlet Legends / Mame Daphne Project - in progress...
« Reply #6 on: October 27, 2004, 06:17:11 PM »
24 th of October 2004 ( afternoon ) :

Well, a little & easy thing to do : How to properly fix and arrange all the socket-outlets?

The existing one on the Gauntlet Cab' will be the main cable ! I don't want to make holes in the cab' for exiting the PC and soundboard power cables -> too ugly  :evil:

 :P  :P  The force is with me  8)  8)  8)

Inside the Cab, there are special power connectors free :

Ok, then let's cut a complete PC powercable, and the powercable from the soundboard :

... and connect them to the free positions ...

... it done :

So now, I only have to activate the original Gauntlet switch located at the back of the cab, and everything are power up : Gauntlet marquee light, monitor, soundboard...  :twisted:  8)

... to be continued  8)
« Last Edit: April 03, 2012, 06:45:33 PM by DarthNuno »


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The Gauntlet Legends / Mame Daphne Project - in progress...
« Reply #7 on: October 27, 2004, 08:05:20 PM »
26th of October 2004 :

I've received the Ultimarc IPAC4 USB, and ... the Gauntlet Legends playstation version  :shock:  :wink: be continued...
« Last Edit: April 03, 2012, 06:45:45 PM by DarthNuno »


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The Gauntlet Legends / Mame Daphne Project - in progress...
« Reply #8 on: November 09, 2004, 11:18:12 PM »
9th of November 2004 :

... still waiting for the major items : Control Panel, CPO, Trackball & 49way joy adapter... Why does it take so long  :?  :evil:

Anyway, i can take time to clean up the cab a little...

I've removed the original Gauntlet Legends Harness ...

.. to put it in a safe place -> with the PCB of course  :roll:  8)

Ok, I didn't mention it yet, but I would like to use my cab also for playing Playstation II & GameCube games so let's see what can I do now  :?:  :roll:

If I want to plug console game, I'll need more socket-outlet... let's add it now :

Ok, the idea is to use a WINTV card, this one for me :

and it Svideo line in.

Well, let's see how does it look, by exemple with Rogue Squadron II on GameCube :

2 problems at this point :

- The picture quality isn't very good, because the WINTV card I'm using is very very very cheap  :? And don't forget I'm using a UVC happs cart, so there are two conversion of the picture : GameCube -> Wintv -> UVC -> monitor...
- I can't use the 60Hz mode... I dunno why... The wintv card I'm using is an US version, but I suspect the rca video in hardware isn't able to transmit good 60Hz signal : I got either a black & white picture, or a colored picture but with an vertical offset on the screen... Maybe the WTV2000 application isn't stable enough... each time I'm starting it  I got different result  :cry:  :?:  :evil:

Anyway, I'll order a real GAMECUBE / PLAYSTATION to VGA hardware adapter, I'm sure the picture will be a lot better... the nex part will be the GameCube / PSX paddle hack... not an easy task  :roll:  :evil:  :?

It's great to play Rogue Squadron on an arcade monitor by the way ;-)

Ok, here the view of all the cables, and of course the GameCube inside the cab :

to be continued...
« Last Edit: April 03, 2012, 06:46:24 PM by DarthNuno »


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The Gauntlet Legends / Mame Daphne Project - in progress...
« Reply #9 on: November 17, 2004, 08:06:33 PM »
17th of November 2004 :

...  :evil: still waitings parts to continue my project ... Why Do I live in europe  :?:  ... It take so many time to ship items from US ...  :twisted:

Ok, so I have time to read again & again the Holy Bible  :wink:

« Last Edit: April 03, 2012, 06:46:43 PM by DarthNuno »


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The Gauntlet Legends / Mame Daphne Project - in progress...
« Reply #10 on: November 21, 2004, 02:07:20 PM »
18th of November 2004 :

Receive my first Gauntlet Legends control panel overlay ( I'm waiting for two others... )  :D
After a long travel from Texas to Belgium, it's here now  :twisted:

Still in the big box :

Let's see how does it look :

On the backside, look at these 'build in' fixations for the original Midway's 49way sticks. Strong ! Hopefully I'll use two on the four 49ways stick, but I probably have to cut some of these fixations in order to mount the trackball...  :roll:

This CPO is much beautill than my orignial one  :D  I mean the print is made on a brillant metal plate, it looks brillant and it shines  :D  The one I got on my cab is great too, but it doesn't have the same texture. It looks matte... The photo doesn't show the difference but there are not the same  :roll:

to be continued ...
« Last Edit: April 03, 2012, 06:47:08 PM by DarthNuno »


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The Gauntlet Legends / Mame Daphne Project - in progress...
« Reply #11 on: November 21, 2004, 07:07:03 PM »
21th of November 2004 :

Ok, after a very long trip from USA, the two 49ways joystick usb encoders are finally here  :?  Very bad point for the warehouse of General Logistics Systems Belgium (relay of USPS ) for changing my address on the package  :evil:   :?: :evil:   :?:  :evil:  but a positive point for Dave ( creator and sender of the encoder ) for the mailing support  :wink:

Ok, remember the idea : use at least two of these beautifull Midway 49way sticks on my computer  8)
As you probably know, the 49way sticks are optical & analog, so impossible to use them with Ultimarc's interfaces such I,J or Even Opti-pac  :? Explain how a 49way stick works is out of topic; for more information go here :

but in very short :

49-way joysticks can be thought of as a cross between an 8-way and an analog joystick, or a low detail analog joystick. 8-way joysticks have 9 positions: the eight directions and center; this can be seen as a 3x3 grid. Analog joystick precision usually is around a 256x256 grid, although it can be higher (high quality flight stick) or lower (analog stick on some gamepads). 49-way joysticks has a 7x7 grid, which gives the "49" in the name.

(c) Mame Analog website -

 so what to do  :?:

The SJC Simple 49-way Joystick Controller is the solution  :)

It allow to use Midway/Happ or Sinister 49way sitck  in an usb computer port.

Why I want to use these sticks  :?:  8)

- Allow me to play 2,4,8,49 ways mame games and full pc/mame analog games
- Will help me to connect PS2 and GameCube analog pad
- No microswitch sounds when I'm playing games
- Preserve original Gauntlet Legends controls
- Great feeling in ALL situations ( from old school game to the latest games )
- 10 more buttons to use per stick, wich aren't recognize as simple keyboard keys but Joystick button1,2,3 ... to 10 ,so 10 new buttons !!!
- No need to buy other sticks  :roll:
- ...

Bad point at this time :

- Not possible to use them is DOS ( not a problem for me  :wink: )
- I can't browse games in mame32 with the 49w-stick, because doing up or down on it isn't the same signal than doing arrow key up or down... not a problem for me, I don't use frontend and choice games with trackball... but an analog joystick to keyboard program encoder should exist... any help by the way  :?:  :wink:

Well, pictures are better than thousand words ( and especially for me, my english's so bad  :?  :cry:  ) ...

Here's the famous 'lost in space' package I was waiting for  :roll:

Inside the box, two encoders, with different USB id of course  :wink:

The website were you can buy usb encoder is Dave's Page of Electronics here :

Ok, let's try the encoder with one first. I put it off from the control pannel

It's a midway  8)

I want to do a clean job  :? How to wire this properly  :?:

 :idea:  This is the solution  :idea:   :roll:

An old floppy disk cable is perfect  :lol:

wiring all the connexions...

...isn't the most interesting part of the job...  :roll:  8)
note that there is 10 free connexions on the encoder for using 10 push-buttons, independant from the keyboard ! The must for a mamecab !  :D

Ok, everything is on right place, time to try the whole thing  :roll:

Yeesssss  :P The Midway stick is immidiatly recognized by XP as a analog / 2 axes / 10 buttons usb joypad Yeesssss    :wink:  8)

I pull down the stick, and ...miracle... it's working  8)

After playing many mame games with this stick, I can tell you it's fantatisc & very easy to use a 49way stick in EVERYGAME !!! I've tried a lot of games, such Qbert, Frogger, Galaga, Gauntlet (of course), pacman, ... fighting games, racing games, ... nothing go wrong  :D  I just have to set the right mame setting for analog stick, choice the right sensibility level, very easy and... EFFECTIVE !  8)

OK, the mame question is solved now, for the fun few pictures of others games, really great with analog stcik  :P

Dragon's Lair 3D is the perfect game for an analog stick : you push a little the stick and Dirk walks. You push the stick more far and ...Dirk runs  8)

This is Rogue Squadron 3D for pc, not the GameCube version

Ok, now it's time to prepare the second stick for player 2  :roll:  :lol:

A last word for Dave ( creator of the encoder ) : Congratulation Dave, you do a great job, it works perfectly ! Thanks man  :wink:
Here's the Dave's website :

to be continued...
« Last Edit: April 03, 2012, 06:48:39 PM by DarthNuno »


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The Gauntlet Legends / Mame Daphne Project - in progress...
« Reply #12 on: November 28, 2004, 12:49:11 PM »
25th of November 2004 :

... after 7 weeks of travelling from Canada to Belgium, there it is :

the full Gauntlet Dark Legacy control panel  :twisted:  :wink:

What a monster : over than 20KG  8)  The box is huge !!! What a trip  :roll:

inside the box :

with my previous Gauntlet Legends CP metal spare overlay  8)

I suppose there is no dedicated Gauntlet Dark Legacy cabinet. The Dark Legacy game is a GL conversion kit.
Under the Dark Legacy front control panel sticker, there is an original Legends sticker...

Same for the control panel overlay... under the Dark Legacy sticker, the original  beautifull Gauntlet Legends metal printed artwork

Ok, time to pull off everything from it  :twisted:  :twisted:  :twisted:

...done :

all the stuff...

to be continued  8)  8)  8) ...
« Last Edit: April 03, 2012, 06:49:34 PM by DarthNuno »


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The Gauntlet Legends / Mame Daphne Project - in progress...
« Reply #13 on: November 30, 2004, 09:22:17 PM »
30th of November 2004 :

... Add the 2nd 49ways Midway stick...

For this last, I won't use IDE HDD cable like the first joystick, because I got wih the Dark Legacy control pannel a full harness... so, let's use this *spare* harness to do the cleanest job possible  8)

of course, it fits perfectly ;-)

connected to the *magical interface*

zoom on THE interface !

Gauntlet Legends in the "maintenance" position  :roll:

Yeah, the second joystick is ready to be shag  :twisted:

to be continued...
« Last Edit: April 03, 2012, 06:50:22 PM by DarthNuno »


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The Gauntlet Legends / Mame Daphne Project - in progress...
« Reply #14 on: December 07, 2004, 09:08:41 PM »
3rd of december 2004 :

... and after traveling around the world, here's the last CPO I was waiting for  :mrgreen:

well packed

It's the metal cpo version...

this CPO is brand new, WoW  :P

All the CPO  :shock:  Promise it's now over  :wink: ...

... to be continue   :roll:
« Last Edit: April 03, 2012, 06:50:51 PM by DarthNuno »