Author Topic: ZX SPECTRUM AND SONY PVM MONITOR. And... Cassette player app for Android?  (Read 12396 times)


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Can I hook a ZedX SPECTRUM up to a SONY PVM monitor? If so, how?

I saw Ben Heck use an Android app to mimic the speccy's cassette player. Anyone know what app he used? Or which one to use?


  • ArcadeLifeStyler'
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The Spectrum has only RF output (stupid cheap thing) ;)

You'll have to mod the Spectrum to hook it up to the PVM:


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And since you're in NTSC land, there is no way you're going to get a picture with that old TV least....not with colors. Then again, that upgraded calculator had only 8 colors. Even the 2600 had more :)


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And since you're in NTSC land, there is no way you're going to get a picture with that old TV least....not with colors. Then again, that upgraded calculator had only 8 colors. Even the 2600 had more :)

If I do the composite mod, will it not work with the PVM!?!??


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I think it will. I just meant you could try to hook the Spectrum up to that old TV you used in the Atari 800 XL video via RF, but you got that Spectrum from the UK right ? So it's a PAL Spectrum and won't display properly on a NTSC TV.

The PVM can handle the composite video, pretty sure it is a multi-standard device.


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I think it will. I just meant you could try to hook the Spectrum up to that old TV you used in the Atari 800 XL video via RF, but you got that Spectrum from the UK right ? So it's a PAL Spectrum and won't display properly on a NTSC TV.

The PVM can handle the composite video, pretty sure it is a multi-standard device.

Ya, Zed X is from the UK. I'll do the composite mod, looks simple.

I am still wondering about the cassette app android. I know there is one on iOS. I guess I can use my iPad for that.


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No idea about those apps but....aren't you simply playing back an audio file ? So wouldn't any app that can play back music do ?


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Hi John - those apps can be good, but VOLUME is important for spectrums, you've got to have up to 11.   Some mp3 players can do it, apple units are good, hit and miss for android though.  I'm using a creative zen mp3 player and an old sony tape player for my set up.
I've had great success from a pc sound card with tzx files.

if you're looking for a cool way to get games on your spectrum, check out units like DIVmmc Enjoy or similar units from Lotharek. Why not have every game on 1 SD card right....

For composite mods, check out youtube - do you know youtube?   Mark Fixes Stuff  best video currently for the composite mod tutorials, non solder and proper way both explained.

Gadgets are out there that take composite signal to VGA, so you can hook up a pc monitor too, there's plenty of options for a few buffets.  If you're stumped give me a ring.


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Hi John - those apps can be good, but VOLUME is important for spectrums, you've got to have up to 11.   Some mp3 players can do it, apple units are good, hit and miss for android though.  I'm using a creative zen mp3 player and an old sony tape player for my set up.
I've had great success from a pc sound card with tzx files.

if you're looking for a cool way to get games on your spectrum, check out units like DIVmmc Enjoy or similar units from Lotharek. Why not have every game on 1 SD card right....

For composite mods, check out youtube - do you know youtube?   Mark Fixes Stuff  best video currently for the composite mod tutorials, non solder and proper way both explained.

Gadgets are out there that take composite signal to VGA, so you can hook up a pc monitor too, there's plenty of options for a few buffets.  If you're stumped give me a ring.

Thanks, Leslie! And, thanks for the Speccy!!!! :D

This is going to be a winter project and I'm getting ready for it. :D

Funny thing.... I used to think the ZX SPECTRUM was related to the Timex Sinclair. I remember the Timex Sinclair when I was a kid and playing it at the stores. I remember some Radar Rat Race game. Anyways... the more  I read about the ZX SPECTRUM in Retro magazine the more I thought it's not the same as the Timex Sinclair. How could it be the same? The Timex Sinclair was a massive DUD in the USA and was not very good and had no games. The Spectrum seems to have a huge following an tons of games. I don't remember the Timex Sinclair having this following or amount of games. So, I then decided in my mind that they were not related.

Well... I read this today and was like WTF?!

They are the same! That lame ass TIMEX SINCLAIR WAS the same as the ZX SPECTRUM. Are they 1000% identical?!?! Why do you guys like this system? It was shit in the USA! LOL!!! hahahah

I'm going into this with an open mind. I want to to play Chuckie Egg and that RARE Jetpack game. :)


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Re: ZX SPECTRUM AND SONY PVM MONITOR. And... Cassette player app for Android?
« Reply #10 on: October 21, 2014, 11:33:09 PM »
It's linked ...ish...but not also..Timex released the ZX81 types, the predecessor, and screwed up a small scale release of the spectrum variants, too little too late, forget Timex, wrong path there.

Spectrum is a quantum leap forward from zx81.  Really ERASE timex from your mind. think sinclair, and spectrum.

And jetpac aint rare. Oh you mean RARE....Ultimate Play The Game...yeah - classic. get it.

You just gotta GET spectrum to appreciate it, this is what the aim is here, not just to get a machine to go - thats piss easy. It's was never the best computer of it's time, it was the affordable one, and it exploded for gamers. If you want to compare spectrum to commodore, most of the time the commodore game looked and sounded better, but maybe only 1 kid in 5's parents could afford commodore, so spectrum was HUGE, tempramental, made on a shoestring budget.....and still being played today, and as a gamer, you need to tick this box.

You need focus grasshopper, put your feet up and enjoy this...  Dramatisation of the Cambridge computer scene from the BBC, amazing film, it's a stretch of the truth for drama, but you'll learn shit loads of facts too.
Micro men



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Re: ZX SPECTRUM AND SONY PVM MONITOR. And... Cassette player app for Android?
« Reply #11 on: October 22, 2014, 02:33:39 AM »
It's linked ...ish...but not also..Timex released the ZX81 types, the predecessor, and screwed up a small scale release of the spectrum variants, too little too late, forget Timex, wrong path there.

Spectrum is a quantum leap forward from zx81.  Really ERASE timex from your mind. think sinclair, and spectrum.

And jetpac aint rare. Oh you mean RARE....Ultimate Play The Game...yeah - classic. get it.

You just gotta GET spectrum to appreciate it, this is what the aim is here, not just to get a machine to go - thats piss easy. It's was never the best computer of it's time, it was the affordable one, and it exploded for gamers. If you want to compare spectrum to commodore, most of the time the commodore game looked and sounded better, but maybe only 1 kid in 5's parents could afford commodore, so spectrum was HUGE, tempramental, made on a shoestring budget.....and still being played today, and as a gamer, you need to tick this box.

You need focus grasshopper, put your feet up and enjoy this...  Dramatisation of the Cambridge computer scene from the BBC, amazing film, it's a stretch of the truth for drama, but you'll learn shit loads of facts too.
Micro men


Don't worry! I am into this and am looking forward to playing the games. Glad to hear it's not the same shit hardware as the Timex Sinclair. :)

I WILL watch that documentary!


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Re: ZX SPECTRUM AND SONY PVM MONITOR. And... Cassette player app for Android?
« Reply #12 on: October 22, 2014, 12:43:52 PM »
The spectrum was affordable to people who else couldnt afford a computer at all so it surely deserves credit for that. It was the most popular in the UK for sure. I think I knew only 1 guy at my school who had one BITD. But the same goes for a guy who swore by a TI99/4A, just one I knew. Others had C64, followed by Atari and other brands. In Germany the Spectrum was barely sold AFAIK.

I watched a video that compares a number of Chuckie Egg versions and it looks to me the original is the most playable for sure. The Atari version reminds me of a Fanda game called Ollie's Follie's

John, in those days machines that cost like 200 dollars in the US cost easily double that amount over here in Europe because of taxes, import duties and higher costs (languages, Europe was not one market yet, currency conversion etc.)
Also, a dollar was WAAAAYYYY more valuable in the early 80s then they are now.

Etienne MacGyver

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Re: ZX SPECTRUM AND SONY PVM MONITOR. And... Cassette player app for Android?
« Reply #13 on: October 22, 2014, 01:16:24 PM »
Also, a dollar was WAAAAYYYY more valuable in the early 80s then they are now.

yes thats true, i remember that 1 Buffet was around 95 Guilders  :D


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Re: ZX SPECTRUM AND SONY PVM MONITOR. And... Cassette player app for Android?
« Reply #14 on: October 22, 2014, 08:50:31 PM »
Just played World Series Baseball (Imagine) for 10 mins - A-Mazing.