A while back, I mentioned an error code that came up on the screen...
After looking up the error code, I found out the power supply board needed work, wasn't an easy do, as Williams did some shortcuts making the board and the error code was basically "search for damaged component"
So, after considering what to do, I discovered there was to be a Pinball Festival in Dallas in March.. We Went!
There was lots of vendors selling all kinds of parts and supplies and upgrades for most pinball machines... including modern, reliable replacement boards.. Yessss!! I bought one! The owner of RottenDog Amusements said this board will most likely outlast me, as well as the machine!

Now, that's done... Time for the fun of upgrading the T2 Pinball to futuristic awesomeness! They had so many awesome things to upgrade your pinball with... Bought 'em... Off we go!!! :thumb:
A few views of original appearance:

Now, for the upgrades.... Sorry, I forgot to take pix during the work... (stupid forgetting brain!) It was very tedious and time consuming. Here is what was done:
1. Complete LED Custom Color Kit... about 200 bulbs replaced with LED's ! As well as looking awesome, the LED's will put way less demand on the power supply board!
2. Side Mirrors.. Gives the pinball playfield depth and reflection.
3. XPIN Red DMD (dot matrix display) The screen of the game, the original is a Plasma DMD, over 20 years old.. and it has the same troubles as plasma screens... burn in. The new DMD is full LED, Bright Red, and no chance of burn in on screen!
4. Glowing/fluorescent pinballs! 'Nuff Said!

5. Leg Protectors.
6. Custom MOD's!! "Animated" Hunter Killer Ship:

Glowing Eyes for T-800 in back left ramp:

T-800 half torso with glowing eyes and illuminated body:

T-1000 illuminated in center of playfield:

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A short video showing game in operation!
Terminator 2 Pinball LED Upgrade... And MORE! - YouTube