Hello friends and Arcade lovers,
welcome to the shortest Road trip ever in this forum featuring 2 arcades drop offs, a trade, eye candy, arcade porn and some italian design within 20 km range

Due to some circumstances beyond this forum it's seems that my area is an arcade centre, which our government should consider to make if officially "german Arcade cluster" like they did
with several other industries overall in Germany

I bet a few members will sign for a campaign...
Anyway...within 20-40km range are a few members from this forum (and some which are not registered at all on any forum).
Hence my OPEL VECTRA is long over it's technical test certificate (and will soon be replaced with a vintage car) I cannot make long distances roadtrips anymore...so why not drop some arcades in my arcade neighborhood?
First. Lets go 10 minutes north - no need of Mr. TomTom hence this way is well known from my childhood.
I can still hear the thunder and lightning of the famous A-10 Thunderbolt Aircrafts (also known as "Panzerknacker" in Germany) breaking the sonic wall over our house


hence nearby is an old airbase...closed for years and undergoing some developments through the years.
They even started to plant mushrooms in the airplane hangars....but right now the barracks are more a living place for workers (crop assistance) and people from foreign countries on their mission to grant asylum in this country

In the town centre....a small house at the dead end of a small street....First Drop Off:

"Always remember: Say NO to drugs!" and hand me that coffee

Going upstairs he showed me some of his candy...and that nice "self made" lamp. Well done. Now I need one too...*aargh another project*

For those who know me helping out with space, cabs or anything arcade related is not a big deal, so he handed me a couple of monitors which need transport way more south to a famous cellar arcade next to a roman buildling, so I took a few of these with me.
(btw there are a few left...semi curved, going low res...RGB or other outputs)

Took one myself for my Dreamcast.
After a few more coffees and talk I needed to leave.
This Roadtrip could have been officially over now with a 20km roundtrip but another friend of mine asked me to help moving his small arcade collection to another place...so I went another 30 km more to the east to a secret hiding place.
I have been there before twice as often...and in addition 3 days ago hence he took my ROADBLASTERs sit down (I was unable to move it upstairs and it didn't got any better in my barn)...and I delivered the heavy beast with a van and lifting ramp (sorry, no picture).
I'm not allowed to post any hints to his location nor pictures of him or his collection at all....however I can give you some teasers here.
It took us the whole day to move his XX cabs

around but was quite fun to rearranged the collection and playtest everything

First Impressions of a part of the collection:

After hours of blood, sweat, tears, coffee, coke and unloading/uploading - it looked more than this:

(although my back was close to broke I was able to take this picture).
Where have they all gone? Did someone stole them? Did he sell the whole thing? Someone ripped of everything into a container?

Of course not. They found a new nice hiding place somewhere in the near distance. Maybe in a house? In a townhall? In a factory? you will never know...so many opportunities...

"Teasers baby":

I'm sorry - but that's all I can show. No more pictures of the other rooms or the whole collection.
"Always remember: There is always a bigger fish*....and say NO to Drugs"

At the end of the day...I got some nice presents for my duties (paid a good price) and added a few more cabinets to my own collection. They all need a bit of work, inspection to follow.

and in addition some shells...

for my upcoming business

...but that's another story to tell...

P.S.: Not a single Zaccharia

*Estimated numbers of unreported cases of arcade virus are way higher than anyone would expect.