GREAT work, a lot of love and passion went into that cabinet.
A friend of mine from greece and me are going to open a site for high class cabinet replicas.
We try to find guys that are willing to share the exact measurements and I will modelize the singe parts in Solidworks.
Therefor the users get complete parts lists for every cabinet and the data will even communicate with CNC-devices, so you just download the files from the site, go to the carpenter and get the cab as a puzzle (or you cut it yourself).
Via Solidworks I also can make super real renderings of the cabinets plus the sideart on it and offer explsion-renderings and Videos.
The programm will also tell me if one singe part is not matching 100percent. After the assembling and rendering we can see how the finished product will look like and if it looks 100percent correct.
Over the years there should be 100 of vintage cabinets-plans to download and build.
Hope you guys like the idea and support us doing that

Regards Hannes