Among the various restorations in progress there is a Space Attack by Bertolino's brothers under Sega license...

The conditions are definitely not among the best: (

The shells of nuts make sense the presence of a squirrel, but why so many bones?

Power supply and the sound card that were lying on the cab's bottom together the mysterious animals nest, are not in good health ...

While the main board standing on the side is a little better ...

Better to cleanup and we will see what's happen

Better but not enough ... unfortunately some tracks and many components suffered too much!

I made a decision: remove all the components on pcb and wipe it well.

Although the card isn't too complex, still takes time and many photos as there is no silkscreen and many last minute corrections, components placed on the track side, jumpers and cutted tracks.

While I'm waiting for components to replace on the sound card, I done power supply cleaning and recap, which survived the rodent better than sound card.

Let's move to the main board.
It has many ic's legs oxidized so disassembly all of them an put on sockets

Connect the power supply and switch it on ... The video comes out but the trusty Amiga monitor does not hook the sync : (
better to see with the oscilloscope

18Khz instead 15.625 !!
Checking the xtal I discover that instead of 15MHz as shown in the schematic has been used one at 18 MHz!!

Damn! How do I see a videocomposite 18KHz?! I need to fix his monitor ...
The chassis is not in good shape ...
clean clean clean…

Monitor is a Sinudyne Modular B500 of which I have only half the schematic because the rodent have the other half…

Someone tell me where to find it??
Rust everywhere so clean derust and paint

Now look better

Time to switch on

mumble… random stuff on screen… swap the ram don't solve the problem…

Following manual tips I try to substitute the 8216 (bidirectional buffer)

Bingo! but why is horizontal?! Just because I put the yoke turned 90°!!!

Now look better!