Author Topic: [Superully's Roadtrip] Garage Raid feat. PunkRockCaveman  (Read 13283 times)


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[Superully's Roadtrip] Garage Raid feat. PunkRockCaveman
« on: May 04, 2013, 04:45:44 PM »

ever since i missed out on a nice ice cold beer on ebay a few years ago, i had always wanted one even more badly. when a good arcade buddy of mine, ingmar, came into possession of quite a few cabs, there was also an ice cold beer in the lot and to my own excitement he offered it up to me for grabs - of course i couldn't resist. the only downside: ingmar's living up north, i'm living down south, but since there was no urgency in getting the game to my place, we just let it rest there until opportunity would arise ...

switch to something different: at the end of last year, joerg aka punkrockcaveman had bought two of my black & white machines, but he had the same north and south problem like i did. when the year began, we started mapping out a plan where he would go to ingmar, grab my ICB, drop it off at my place and return with his two games back home. we were basically ready to go (just one week away) when something came up on ebay which changed everything entirely. now it was me going up north, delivering joerg's games, picking up the ICB myself and continuing on to something i'm calling GARAGE RAID!

here's what's coming up - this is going to be a hell of a ride and a totally cool adventure :arrow:

although this is going to be a long (and winding) roadtrip, i don't have to start too early because it's a weekend

impossible to do this trip with my own car (you'll find out why later ;D), i'm turning to my favorite rental agency. doesn't this car look familiar by now?

first stop is going to be ingmar's place, which doesn't seem to be too far off, but you can easily add at least half an hour when travelling with a van

a few days ago, when i was doing my cruis'n ully roadtrip, this is what the weather looked like 8) :arrow:

and here's the weather as of today - damn! :evil: :arrow:

driving in heavy rain all the time makes me somewhat tired, ...

... therefore i need a shot of my favorite energy drink: relentless!

much better, especially since the rain has almost stopped! the last 100 kilometers are on country roads only

after more than 4 hours, i'm arriving at my first stopover ...

... where ingmar is already waiting for me - ready to guide me in!

and here we are: the galaga is going to joerg later on (but that's a different story told on a different forum) and behind it my ice cold beer :)

moving games with a forklift is so much easier

after being stowed away in the garage for quite a while, the arcade machine finally has its coming out ;)

i've decided to trade in my rampage machine for the ice cold beer, so let's start the trade!

good-bye rampage, hello ice cold beer!!!

laying the machine to rest - doesn't it look cozy?

ingmar has a nice collection of pinballs, but unfortunately i'm on a tight schedule and can't "waste" too much time, because - as i've said before - ingmar's place was only a short stopover, the real deal is coming up ...

the second part of my trip is starting off slowly with some "nice machines" on the road

honestly, thinking about what's coming up i'd much rather be in the sauna promoted on the sign on the right

of course the inevitable has to happen: speed restriction first, ...

... then an almost complete standstill >:(

ouch, this must have hurt badly!

because of the traffic jam, i'm losing almost an hour, but then i have open roads ahead of me!

time for some windmill pics

my final destination almost in sight

here we go, this is the exit i have to take

bremen is the 10th largest city of germany with about 550,000 inhabitants, but this part of the city looks more like my hometown lauda :P

a familiar face is already waiting for me at the seller's address: joerg aka mr punkrockcaveman himself!

let's park the car and do some investigations first: a narrow staircase leading downwards and a sign saying "danger of suffocation"! luckily, we don't have to go down there :ghost:

we are here for this :arrow:

time for the story behind the upcoming garage raid: a guy had started an auction on ebay which showed 10+ games (videogames, slot machines and more) in an abandoned garage saying "buyer has to take everything". due to the picture limitation on ebay, he couldn't show all the games in their entirety, but there were some gems hidden in there and because joerg thankfully agreed to drive over from oldenburg to bremen and help me out with the raid, i decided to jump on it - i simply can't pass pass on an adventure like that! 8)

of the three garages you could see on the picture above , the one on the left with the garbage can as a "key" is "ours" - get ready to raid a garage full of games! :spaceace:

to be continued ...
all i need is ... PONG - and a select few others: TOUCH ME, DRAGON'S LAIR, JOUST, ROBOTRON, MR DO, SAN FRANCISCO RUSH THE ROCK!!!


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Re: [Superully's Roadtrip] Garage Raid feat. PunkRockCaveman
« Reply #1 on: May 04, 2013, 04:59:14 PM »
not the rampage!!!

damn i d have a ice cold beer now ;)


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Re: [Superully's Roadtrip] Garage Raid feat. PunkRockCaveman
« Reply #2 on: May 04, 2013, 05:33:30 PM »
Cliffhanger... Now..... Seriously!!!!!!
Get those raid pics up!!!  :D
Great catch Ully, who bought the ICB you almost got on ebay...  :roll: ;D


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Re: [Superully's Roadtrip] Garage Raid feat. PunkRockCaveman
« Reply #3 on: May 04, 2013, 05:39:40 PM »
Great, so you finally got one ICB !! :)

It's bad to waste time in a traffic jam.....but it's better to pass the damaged cars than to be part of an accident!

Can#t wait to see what was inside the garage  :spaceace:


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Re: [Superully's Roadtrip] Garage Raid feat. PunkRockCaveman
« Reply #4 on: May 04, 2013, 07:00:37 PM »
Great, so you finally got one ICB !! :)

It's bad to waste time in a traffic jam.....but it's better to pass the damaged cars than to be part of an accident!

Can#t wait to see what was inside the garage  :spaceace:

me tooooooo. damn ully... you are doing this to freak me out, don't you?! ;)
Looking for Dragons Lair 1 or 2, Space Ace, Double Dragon, Robotron and yeah... a Shinobi would be cool, too!


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Re: [Superully's Roadtrip] Garage Raid feat. PunkRockCaveman
« Reply #5 on: May 05, 2013, 07:28:34 AM »
I sense great games inside...Argh, open that garage now!   8)


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Re: [Superully's Roadtrip] Garage Raid feat. PunkRockCaveman
« Reply #6 on: May 05, 2013, 07:51:31 AM »
Cliffhanger... Now..... Seriously!!!!!!

isn't that how you tell an exciting story? :P

Great catch Ully, who bought the ICB you almost got on ebay...  :roll: ;D

can't remember the name of the guy who got it, i think it was someone from norway or sweden or some other scandinavian country - and he now has two ;)

Can#t wait to see what was inside the garage

don't worry guys, the wait is almost over, the garage will be opened (and raided) TODAY!!! 8)
all i need is ... PONG - and a select few others: TOUCH ME, DRAGON'S LAIR, JOUST, ROBOTRON, MR DO, SAN FRANCISCO RUSH THE ROCK!!!


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Re: [Superully's Roadtrip] Garage Raid feat. PunkRockCaveman
« Reply #7 on: May 05, 2013, 02:29:42 PM »

ok guys, time to open the garage! but before we can do that, let's remove the "key" first :arrow:

click on the following picture to see the opening of the garage "live" :arrow: abrakadabra simsalabim open sesame!!!

let's quickly take a first snapshot!!! oh my god, i can't believe it, another rampage - what a coincidence :P

looks like i've traded in a rampage for an ice cold beer but will be returning home with both machines anyway 8)

joerg is not only here to help me with the hauling, but also to inspect the games and make a first rating

i'll show you more detailed pics later, but the rampage is in really good condition and gets joerg's full approval! :)

up next on the inspection list is the wonderful em game bonanza. joerg tells me that he played the exact same game back in the days and totally fell in love with it :-*. unfortunately, he's almost out of space in THE CAVE and therefore can't take it! if i remember correctly, joerg told me that there was a coil missing underneath the rifle, but once again more on that later when i inspect the individual games closer!

go away, that bonanza em game is mine and i'll shoot everyone who comes one step closer! (on a side note: i love that picture)

is joerg trying to come up with a plan on how to steal the machine without me noticing? ;D

up next i wanna show you a picture from the original ebay auction. clearly you can see a nice b/w midway clowns game, but who can identidy the other game on the right which you can barely see? the entire auction description and the rest of the pictures didn't mention / show anything about it, but ...

... i knew what it was: another uber-rare nichibutsu crazy climber deluxe cabinet!!! "another?", you might ask. yes, i already picked one up during my Crazy Drivin' eh Climbin' Roadtrip last year, so this one will definitely be for sale (like most of the other cabs, but more on that later)!

to the left of the clowns cabinet is another midway b/w game, a pong-clone called winner. although it is in really great shape, i'm not planning on starting a collection of pong ripoffs. i'm extremely happy with my unique rally machine, but (apart from an original pong) imho one is more than enough. because i knew that getting everything from the garage into my rental van would be a problem, i had sold three machines in advance to a german forum member: the winner and two generic universal cabinets (which i had no interest in) are going to stay in the garage for the time being - waiting to be picked up later!

nevertheless, nice looking lineup, don't you think?

the crazy climber deluxe out in the open

inspection time: really clean inside, everything where it should be! thumbs up!!!

four games loaded: ice cold beer, rampage, bonanza and crazy climber!

up next, we transport the clowns into the van, but while doing so realize that the cabinet is extremely light, almost a featherweight! there is supposed to be a 23'' b/w monitor in there, but since the machine is so incredible light, both joerg and i suspect that the monitor is missing. unfortunately, the keys to the cabinet are missing as well and although joerg is trying as hard as he can, you can see zip through the tinted bezel! i'll have to drill it open when i get home and see if we were right ...

unfortunately, we can not only take the good stuff, but we also have to load crap like fruit machines - and there isn't even money in the coin box >:(

slowly but surely, space is getting an issue, therefore we have the idea of stacking the fruit machines on top of each other, but that would require being able to put them in horizontally. however, we don't know if they fit in like that and we don't have a meter with us, therefore we have to use a "human meter" to measure the size. ok, for future references: one fruit machine is as tall as one superully :D :P

now let's lay that human meter on the van's bottom (btw, planking rocks) to find out if it fits. as you can see, the answer is NO!!!

vertically it has to be then

we manage to get everything in eventually, but since i have to unload everything tonight alone (i can't expect someone to come over to the storage in the middle of the night to move around games), i'm a little bit worried that getting the crappy games out by myself is going to be a problem, because i can't lay them down. best option would probably be to simply toss them out on the ground, but then the neighbours would call the possible - and i don't want that to happen! let's see ...

loaded to the max

here's what we left behind in the garage. we weren't supposed to take the tables and the fruit machine standees - fortunately!

it's somewhat sad to leave the winner behind, but i'm happy with the decision i made

we also had to leave behind this monster of a table game

"what is it?", you might be wondering. let's remove some of the dust :arrow:

in case you don't know what that is, it's an em soccer table from 1968. seems to be pretty cool, if you're interested checked out some videos here and here! hopefully, joerg is going to pick that up later. it deserves to be saved!

now that the garage has been raided, let's turn our attention to something different: FOOD!!! i haven't had anything to eat all day long and for me there's only one place to go :arrow:

los wochos at mcdonald's - just wonderful

now that i'm well (?) fed, i can start the long journey home down south

unfortunately, i miss the cutoff for an autobahn night construction sight by a mere 10 minutes, which means the autobahn gets closed off completey and i have to travel for about 80 kilometers on country roads - damn!!! :evil:

flipping the "score" over ...

... until my final score is in :arrow:

i was a little bit afraid of unloading all that stuff myself, but i'm having on problems doing (sorry guys, no pics). i'm returning the rental van the same night and when i finally arrive back home, the stats are in :arrow:

one country, five counties, 1196 kilometers, 19 hours 12 minutes on the road - this roadtrip is OFFICIALLY OVER!   

but stay tuned for a closer inspection of the games from the garage raid ...
all i need is ... PONG - and a select few others: TOUCH ME, DRAGON'S LAIR, JOUST, ROBOTRON, MR DO, SAN FRANCISCO RUSH THE ROCK!!!


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Re: [Superully's Roadtrip] Garage Raid feat. PunkRockCaveman
« Reply #8 on: May 05, 2013, 03:22:00 PM »
thanks for the trip story Ully. And that garage (whorehouse) was indeed a nice find. So that was it last weekend - my view of the garage today was a bit more vacant :-)

I would like to thank you for leaving the WINNER and some of the rest to us Northern guys. Appreciate that and they will be lovely placed inside the collection and hopefully exhibited later the year in Hamburg.

As to say with Wayne: We're not worthy! We're not worthy! ;-)

Next time you need help in the northern hemisphere, feel free to give me a call.


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Re: [Superully's Roadtrip] Garage Raid feat. PunkRockCaveman
« Reply #9 on: May 05, 2013, 03:42:13 PM »
great story - and a long trip.

congrats to the new cabs!
Searching Zaccaria Stuff: Fiiter Marquee, Zaxxon CPO, JumpBug CPO or CPO Repro
next project: assemble Zaccaria Cocktail.


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Re: [Superully's Roadtrip] Garage Raid feat. PunkRockCaveman
« Reply #10 on: May 05, 2013, 06:11:54 PM »
Simply awesome, nice teamwork guys!!! :spaceace:
It is nice to see, that places like this exists and we can save more and more games every year.
That Bonanza looks really nice, if something is missing, I can help comparing with mine. ;)
The Bally soccer game has a weird gameplay, but definitely has to be saved!
« Last Edit: May 05, 2013, 10:01:54 PM by Belike »


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Re: [Superully's Roadtrip] Garage Raid feat. PunkRockCaveman
« Reply #11 on: May 05, 2013, 06:52:08 PM »
click on the following picture to see the opening of the garage "live" :arrow: abrakadabra simsalabim open sesame!!!

Cannot open that video because it's set on 'private' ?  :?


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Re: [Superully's Roadtrip] Garage Raid feat. PunkRockCaveman
« Reply #12 on: May 05, 2013, 07:00:57 PM »
Cannot open that video because it's set on 'private' ?  :?

try it now! i thought "private" means that everyone who has the link can open it, that's how it works with the flickr pictures.
all i need is ... PONG - and a select few others: TOUCH ME, DRAGON'S LAIR, JOUST, ROBOTRON, MR DO, SAN FRANCISCO RUSH THE ROCK!!!


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Re: [Superully's Roadtrip] Garage Raid feat. PunkRockCaveman
« Reply #13 on: May 05, 2013, 07:04:12 PM »
Cannot open that video because it's set on 'private' ?  :?

try it now! i thought "private" means that everyone who has the link can open it, that's how it works with the flickr pictures.

ohhh lucky boy! great stuff in there!!!
Looking for Dragons Lair 1 or 2, Space Ace, Double Dragon, Robotron and yeah... a Shinobi would be cool, too!


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Re: [Superully's Roadtrip] Garage Raid feat. PunkRockCaveman
« Reply #14 on: May 05, 2013, 07:28:33 PM »
ohhh lucky boy! great stuff in there!!!

almost everything will be for sale! :) more on that later ...
all i need is ... PONG - and a select few others: TOUCH ME, DRAGON'S LAIR, JOUST, ROBOTRON, MR DO, SAN FRANCISCO RUSH THE ROCK!!!