Hello ,
My name is Nick 29 years old (from belgium) and i'm introduced myself a few years ago.
I did not post that mutch on this forum but i read alot here.
Sorry for my bad English but i think everyone understands what i'm writing

I got inspired by the buildings of a member from this forum called Scr33n , i saw his fantastic buildings .
Now i got myself into trying to build my own donkey kong arcade cabinet.
First i needed to found a plan on the internet i got one from jacobud.
after a lot of mesurements and calculating i got my plan finished.
it looks pretty good i think

now the next step is buying my MDF panels and cut them out
ive searching for mdf but i can only choose between 12-18-22 mm what will i take?
I will post more updates soon
Oh and what is a good site to buy parts like side art and stuff?