You're wrong. The white "Nintendo" T-molding from (or any other source than Audiomidiman/Chomping Quarters) is NOT flat.
You are so correct! the middle of the molding is 1,49mm thick and the edge is 1,43mm thick. I just measured it digitally. The difference is 0,06mm so you are completely right that it's not the same.
I lose, you win. Congrats
I know , but i have no other options i can only choose between 12 18 or 20mm so i think the 18mm was the best choice
and t molding flat or not flat is not that very important for me
so where can i get the best service for order my t molding
Like Ully said is a great source. You should really go with the 18mm.
Regarding the slotting of the sides, you should louk out for a 'Schijfgroeffrees' of 2mm, depending on the inner thickness of the molding.