Author Topic: GH-28 : GALAXIAN THEATER for 28 players !!!  (Read 185526 times)


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GH-28 : GALAXIAN THEATER for 28 players !!!
« on: May 19, 2008, 08:01:32 PM »

The game 'Galaxian3' was originally a theme park attraction in Japan for up to 28 people simultaneously in a hydraulic gaming area.

Let's have a look at this monster attraction also called 'GH-28'  :P

Do you thing the Galaxian 'Theater 6' is big ?

Check out this monster : the GH-28 version  :shock:

View from the top :

Here's the model reduced of the GM-16 model (16 players) :

And a view from the GH-28 entrance :

(sorry for the small size of the pictures, but I haven't found better pictures yet  :-\)

Let's play :

Better than pictures, have a look at this video (only one minute of Galaxian footage, but it's better than nothing)  :arrow:

Huge isn't it  ::) :P ;D
« Last Edit: May 26, 2008, 05:35:34 PM by DarthNuno »

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Re: GH-28 : GALAXIAN THEATER for 28 players !!!
« Reply #1 on: May 19, 2008, 11:42:22 PM »
Wow, that is incredible... the fact that they modeled of this massive game to make the G3 Theatre!! 



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Re: GH-28 : GALAXIAN THEATER for 28 players !!!
« Reply #2 on: May 20, 2008, 06:38:09 PM »
Well let's find out if it's for sale Bruno. Maybe you could put it in you're V10-gameroom...   ;D.
God must love crazy people, he made so many of them!!


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Re: GH-28 : GALAXIAN THEATER for 28 players !!!
« Reply #3 on: May 26, 2008, 03:15:04 PM »
if you will get GH-28,you must build a house for GH-28.
driving units on the 1st floor.
you can enjoy games on the 2nd floor.(you can see it on the movie)

......I tell a regrettable story.
there is no GH-28 in the world.
so we can not buy GH-28. :'(

there was two (possible to play by 28 people) Galaxian^3  in the world.

1st GH-28 (Osaka,JPN -> Tokyo,JPN) was removed scrapped in 2000 Mar.30,2001.
2nd GH-28 (Kanagawa,JPN)  was removed in 1997.

>Here's the model reduced of it :
these pictures are not GH-28. these are GM-16.

There is no GM-16 in Japan,too.
The last GM-16 (Himeji,JPN ) was removed on Mar,2003

« Last Edit: May 26, 2008, 05:24:07 PM by Tom#2-JP »
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Re: GH-28 : GALAXIAN THEATER for 28 players !!!
« Reply #4 on: May 26, 2008, 05:52:44 PM »
First of all, a warm welcome to TomTwo, the first member from Japan(Tokyo) registered on this board  :-*

Many thanks for the correction regarding the 'GM-16' picture in my first post, it's now corrected  :roll: :-*

Galaxian3 is a cult game in Japan, and the most of informations about it are mostly ... in Japanese  :-\ which is good for you, but so sad for us, guys outside Japan  :?

Anyway, I'm really happy to have here someone who seems to be a huge G fan and who can maybe help me to gather interesting information about the most *amazing* game ever made by Namco  :)

Don't hesitate to share your G stories here  :-* :-* :-*


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Re: GH-28 : GALAXIAN THEATER for 28 players !!!
« Reply #5 on: May 30, 2008, 07:33:44 PM »
 Hello from Japan. My fellows referred your forum to me. I'm an another GALAXIAN3 maniac.

 I've played GH-28 more than 1,000 times. I've once heard that The 1st player
played 6 times more. That was so amazing experience and I'm eager to play it again.

 If I'm correct, The diameter of largest circle in the figure(of GH-28), the cylindrical screen, was 12m diameter.


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Re: GH-28 : GALAXIAN THEATER for 28 players !!!
« Reply #6 on: May 30, 2008, 09:02:12 PM »
Hello from Japan. My fellows referred your forum to me. I'm an another GALAXIAN3 maniac.

 I've played GH-28 more than 1,000 times. I've once heard that The 1st player
played 6 times more. That was so amazing experience and I'm eager to play it again.

 If I'm correct, The diameter of largest circle in the figure(of GH-28), the cylindrical screen, was 12m diameter.

Hello Mezaemon and welcome on this side of the world  :-* :-* :-*

It's a dream come true  :-* some experts who know the G Universe ... and who speak English too  :)  thanks my Lord  :)

Maybe you don't know, but there is NO information at all anywhere on the web regarding the GH-28 in English (except few words on wikipedia...). All the articles I can found on the web are... in Japanese  :? ...and it's even the same problem regarding the GT-6  :'(

So here's the question regarding that 'monster'... I mean the GH-28 of course  :)

It has 16 projectors that need of course 16 images 16 laser disc players...and so 16 video laser discs with different footage on them ?!
Does the GH-28 played the mission "Project Dragoon", like the version we play on the GT-6 ?

I'm asking the question from an other point of view : Does the mission 'Project Dragoon' as we know on GT-6 is a small part of the GH-28 footage ?

There was only two GH-28 in the world (thanks to Tom#2-JP for the confirmation). Do you remember the price of a single play ? I suppose the GH-28 wasn't a 'free access' game ? I mean there wasn't any coins door like the GT-6 ? It was like a ride, in an attraction park ?!
If it's a kind of 'ride', does the time of the game was always the same ? I mean what happen if all the players don't play very well ? Game over after only few minutes ?

Argh... Maybe do you have other pictures of the GH-28 for us ?

One thousand of question with follow of course  ;)

Thanks for helping us to know a little bit more about these incredible games done by the God Namco  :-* :-* :-*


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Re: GH-28 : GALAXIAN THEATER for 28 players !!!
« Reply #7 on: May 31, 2008, 06:25:28 PM »
Let me answer your questions as I can.

>It has 16 projectors that need of course 16 images 16 laser disc players...and so 16 video laser discs with different footage on them ?!
yes. but as I know, there was no 16 variations in discs but 2 or so on. they were playing different "chapters".

>Does the GH-28 played the mission "Project Dragoon", like the version we play on the GT-6 ?
Yes, the story was "Project Dragoon", but there was some difference between that of GT-6"M8774D" and GH-28 "M8774E"/GM-16"M8774C".
M8774E and C was almost the same. I've heard that the 1'st version (1990, OSAKA)"M8774B" was different from "M8774E", but I don't know that one.

1. No  "Destroy the air post" mission in M8774E.
2. 4 Major targets was located in the enemy mothership. One was the main reactor, as you know on GT-6, and other 3 fixed targets (I don't know what that was exactly). "Tower Cannons" grow out  :) inside the mothership.
3. No "Tower Cannons" on the enemy planet .
4. No mission failure due to loss of "shield".
5. No "lateral duct" burst through mission, and therefore, DRAGOON locates in just the center of  citcle of "Spark Bits".
5. "Sparkbits" (spell may be not correct) was not 6 but 16.
6. "Sparkbits" move from left to right and they go round only once. So if you are the only player, you "must" destroy all "Sparkbits" in only "one chance".
7. "Ending movie" was short. The last scene was the explosion of the enemy planet (if they failed, DRAGOON try to break out but vanished in the ray of "CANNON SEED", and "white out".
8. No detail1 score report. Only "ranking" (A to E, "A" was the best) and "TOP GUN" ("GOLD EMBLEM":stylized gold dragon or so on),

>Do you remember the price of a single play?
 500yen(GH-28)/300yen(GM-16) a game (and admission fare, sometimes).
There was "Passport" system supported in "Wonder Eggs" (except very early time of the park), it was 3,900 yen a day (includes admission) / 3,000 yen (night-time discount).

>GH-28 wasn't a 'free access' game ? I mean there wasn't any coins door like the GT-6 ? It was like a ride, in an attraction park ?!
Exactly right.

>If it's a kind of 'ride', does the time of the game was always the same ? I mean what happen if all the players don't play very well ? Game over after only few minutes ?
 1. Fail to destroy the enemy mother ship if players don't play well.
 2. If fail to destroy 16 "Sparkbits" within timelimit almost 20sec. , just game over that I mentioned above.

>Argh... Maybe do you have other pictures of the GH-28 for us ?
No , but my friends have some. I'll ask it.


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Re: GH-28 : GALAXIAN THEATER for 28 players !!!
« Reply #8 on: May 31, 2008, 06:41:17 PM »
I found something from youtube.

I think its from G-28.

0.18 you can see the spacestation from another side.

0.49 surface of the planet.

1.53 This is most interesting. Dragoon goes to inside the Cannon Seed. The core is totally different. The main gate is always open and there is no another way in.

2.45 Escape from the Cannon Seed.


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Re: GH-28 : GALAXIAN THEATER for 28 players !!!
« Reply #9 on: May 31, 2008, 07:21:48 PM »
Sorry, something's wrong :oops:.
The "mission code" of GH-28 was "M8774D" ("E" is for GT-6 :oops:).

The movie from somewhere looks like the demonstation movie of GM-16. It's some kind of "remix", but
the source of movie seems to be almost same from that of GH-28.


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Re: GH-28 : GALAXIAN THEATER for 28 players !!!
« Reply #10 on: May 31, 2008, 07:47:25 PM »
Additional info.

"TOP GUN" "No. 2" "No.3" that I mentiond is just the additional comment. No display nor voice of such in the game.


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Re: GH-28 : GALAXIAN THEATER for 28 players !!!
« Reply #11 on: June 01, 2008, 09:38:21 AM »
Thanks for the informations mezaemon  :-* :-* :-*

I found something from youtube.
I think its from G-28.

First of All, welcome here Nuu  ;) :-* :-* :-*

Wow... it's a very interesting link  :shock:

Like mezaemon said, it looks like a video clip or remix but there are some great informations in it  8)

Let's see the difference between the GT-6 version and that GM-16 or GH-28 footage ?

The launch sequence :

In the GT-6 version, just after leaving the base (Killing Moon) you can see the beacons (triangle shape) until entering the hyper speed sequence :

In the GM-16 and/or GH-28 footage, you only see few beacons inside the Killing Moon, but not outise, like the GT-6 version :

It a view from the rear of Dragoon, which is logical for the GM-16 or GH-28 footage, for some players of course  ;)  :arrow:

The Red Valley :

In the GT-6 version, while entering in the valley, your ship is immediately very close to some canyons/ mountains  :arrow:

In the other version, you seems to be more far from the mountains/canyons and there are some new structures on the screen, never seen on the GT-6 version :

...and I presume theses structures cannot be destroyed because they are on the laser disc, not computer generated ?

The CannonSeed sequence :

It's the most interesting part  :o A lot of differences. Like Nuu said, the core is totally different. The main gate is always open and there is no another way in.

The CannonSeed structure is different, even the colors; Here's the GT-6 version  :arrow:

and the other version :

...and no gate at all to destroy ? Maybe one of the reasons is because it was to complicated to program 'computer generated' destructible objects, so big like a gate, on many screens at the same time (to hard to synchronize) ?

This image is very interesting too :

Did you see these blue tubes ? Never see them in the GT-6 version  :shock:

Except these blue tubes, the footage look similar on picture 1+3, and the same for 2+4. I presume all the 16 players or 28 players see the same footage at this point ? Because that Namco video shows only laser disc footage and not the computer generated objects, we cannot see the enemies and what happens here ? Fortunately, Mezaemon gives us the detail about what happens here :

"Sparkbits" move from left to right and they go round only once. So if you are the only player, you "must" destroy all "Sparkbits" in only "one chance".

I would like to know where this video/presentation is coming from ? I'll ask the question to the youtube sender of it (maybe it's someone you already know, from a Japan UGSF group ?)


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Re: GH-28 : GALAXIAN THEATER for 28 players !!!
« Reply #12 on: June 01, 2008, 01:46:40 PM »
>...and I presume theses structures cannot be destroyed because they are on the laser disc, not computer generated ?

 That's right.

>Except these blue tubes, the footage look similar on picture 1+3, and the same for 2+4. I presume all the 16 players or 28 players see the same footage at this point ?

 Blue tubes was just the background. Footage ???..(background;inside view of the huge cannon). I've never mind that.
Because we were very busy for shootong :P.


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Re: GH-28 : GALAXIAN THEATER for 28 players !!!
« Reply #13 on: June 02, 2008, 06:31:46 AM »
>I would like to know where this video/presentation is coming from ? I'll ask the question to the youtube >sender of it (maybe it's someone you already know, from a Japan UGSF group ?)

very very sorry.... we don't know who uploaded it.
but I saw this video when I played GM-16,I feel. ( as a promotional video...?  I don't know those details.)
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Re: GH-28 : GALAXIAN THEATER for 28 players !!!
« Reply #14 on: June 02, 2008, 05:30:42 PM »
... we don't know who uploaded it.
but I saw this video when I played GM-16,I feel. ( as a promotional video...?  I don't know those details.)

I've just send him a private message via youtube... let's cross the fingers for an answer from him  :roll: 8)

Yes, it looks like a promotional video. But why ? Certainly not to promote the GH-28 because no arcade operator can be interested by such monster  ??? So maybe it's a promotional for the GM-16... but why never show the structure and a full overview of the ride  ???

I really don't know why NAMCO has done this video  :-\ ?

As we see on the youtube video, the quality of the image is very clean. So that video shouldn't come from a home recording device. The person who uploaded it should have a good/original source... but which one ???