I just stumbled over this topic at Gamespy, the Top 50 Arcade games:
http://uk.gamespy.com/articles/115/1151159p1.htmlI'm wondering if you agree with this list and how many games from the top 10 you own (full games, not just the PCB)?
I have 5 out of 10, the Top 3, Star Wars and Galaga. Not a bad score. Are there DLF members who score 100% for the Top 10 listed games.
By the way, 2 games really don't belong in the Top 10, SF2 and DL. SF2 because I really don't like fighting games (I refer to those players as button bashers) and DL ... Well, enough said.

In fact, if I just could choose out of the listed games, then I would replace SF2, DL and Gauntlet with Centipede, Tempest and Robotron. Then you have a good Top 10. But where the hell is Juno First!!! Would be my number 2.