Author Topic: DECLARTS - Arcade Artworks. By Mikonos  (Read 129305 times)


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Re: DECLARTS - Arcade Artworks. By Mikonos
« Reply #150 on: July 15, 2013, 07:58:53 AM »
Really poor excuses Mikonos, I don't think that 2 adult guys (one is a teacher) misunderstood what you promised.


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Re: DECLARTS - Arcade Artworks. By Mikonos
« Reply #151 on: July 15, 2013, 08:44:10 AM »
Mikonos, indeed you are doing a great job there!! You can believe me that some folks here knows how hard it is to do a good repro. Not even paint all the obstacles in difficult and detailed artwork but also to chose the right colours, etc.

BUT giving Bruno a free set of sidearts would have been the best promotion for your work!! Not only he would have spread the word about it,  he also runs (pays) this forum that you use to promote your artwork!!

my2cts :)


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Re: DECLARTS - Arcade Artworks. By Mikonos
« Reply #152 on: July 15, 2013, 09:48:46 AM »
i scanned both the vindicators AND the congo bongo sideart for you,

No, Ully, No! You provided me  for I work  in restoration for you for free, because for free is the best business for all people, the magic word.  This is my business, do it for free because this is my big business.

I don´t know, we can do a account of all time and work I did for restoring all artwork of people than wrote in this thread for explain something bad about me. Do you want we do account of how much money you owe to me?

We will imagine than my restored work is cheaper, about €5  for hour. Very Cheap, true?



- Vindicator Side Art Right: He sent one side art for restoration and repo de other digital side for his cabinet.  Vindicator side art takes me about 12 hours (it was an easy work). 12(h)x€5= €60. I did it for free

- Vindicator Side Art Left: Mirror image of the other side, changing some text. 30 minutes. I did it for free

- Vindicator side art for print: It need a die cut line, adobe illustration version, cloning edges. 1 hour. €5 I did it for free

Total: €66 with my cheaper rate. I did it for free


- Congo Bongo Side Arr Right: I had to compose all scan, scans with different colors. It was a very complex work about 35 hours of restoration. 35(h)x€5= 175 € I did it for free

- Congo Bongo Side Art Left: All title  are different,logos and letter mirrored. I ask for sending me scan of tittle because background vegetation is different or changed.  Restoration work was about. 5 hours. 5(h)x€5=25€

- Congo Bongo Side for print: Die cut line and clonig edges for oversaw in illustration version. 1 hour. €5 I did it for free

Total: €205 I did it for free


- Reproducing Nintendo Firebird Side arts. I only have internet fotos and a flyer. Estimated time to repro for sides about 40 hours. 40(h)x€5= 200 € I will do it for free

- Firebird Side for printed: Die cut line and clonig edges for oversaw in illustration version. 1 hour. €5 I will do it for free

Total: €205  I did it for free


My business: 0€ gained! I did it for free

« Last Edit: July 15, 2013, 12:10:03 PM by Mikonos »
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Re: DECLARTS - Arcade Artworks. By Mikonos
« Reply #153 on: July 15, 2013, 09:48:57 AM »
This guy is also on other arcade forums, let's warn them!

Yep, he's active on BYOAC now, but most people are on to him...


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Re: DECLARTS - Arcade Artworks. By Mikonos
« Reply #154 on: July 15, 2013, 10:50:18 AM »
Is the end of the rookie for some people. I´m not telling you than I will not do Firebird Side arts or other artworks for Ully or Bruno, because I want all artworks than I haven´t, even if I have to restore it first, but these will be the condition:

- I will not do it for free, this is the end for you

- I will not to send digital files when I finished. I will send printed artwork paid before I start to work in.

I will restore for other people for free, of course, because for me is a pleasure/entertainment. Sending any restored artwork from me is finished, with Bruno was the last case.

There is no an artists than works for free (I´m the only one stupid enough), there is not artist for hire than send his restored digital copies to the costumer.

There are a few (?) artist so exhaustive than I, look for it! I´m sure of this reality.


« Last Edit: July 15, 2013, 02:39:33 PM by Mikonos »
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Re: DECLARTS - Arcade Artworks. By Mikonos
« Reply #155 on: July 15, 2013, 03:42:30 PM »
Is the end of the rookie for some people. I´m not telling you than I will not do Firebird Side arts or other artworks for Ully or Bruno, because I want all artworks than I haven´t, even if I have to restore it first, but these will be the condition:

- I will not do it for free, this is the end for you

- I will not to send digital files when I finished. I will send printed artwork paid before I start to work in.

I will restore for other people for free, of course, because for me is a pleasure/entertainment. Sending any restored artwork from me is finished, with Bruno was the last case.

There is no an artists than works for free (I´m the only one stupid enough), there is not artist for hire than send his restored digital copies to the costumer.

There are a few (?) artist so exhaustive than I, look for it! I´m sure of this reality.


Man... you are doing yourself no favour with your postings. As far as I can see Ully and Bruno are just asking for something that that was part of their deal with you. I know both of them, not only from here but from real life and I must say that I trust those guys 1000 percent because of the business I made with both in the past. They keep their word, they treated me incredibly nice and they never asked for something that was not part of the deal. Never ever.

If there is indeed some part of the deal that is still missing... go and take care of it. Otherwise the word will spread.
« Last Edit: July 15, 2013, 04:04:35 PM by Tyrem »
Looking for Dragons Lair 1 or 2, Space Ace, Double Dragon, Robotron and yeah... a Shinobi would be cool, too!

Etienne MacGyver

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Re: DECLARTS - Arcade Artworks. By Mikonos
« Reply #156 on: July 15, 2013, 04:13:07 PM »
Hi guys!

REPROART Shop have  a very, very good quality but, it improved.  :) When I print After Burner Side arts, I will send it to DarthNuno. He will tell about the print artwork quality.  ;)

Just a little quote...   ;)
« Last Edit: July 15, 2013, 04:16:25 PM by Etienne MacGyver »


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Re: DECLARTS - Arcade Artworks. By Mikonos
« Reply #157 on: July 15, 2013, 05:16:20 PM »
Send printed artworks for free was not the deal! Simply! My original deal with Bruno was completed and he know it!

REPROART Shop have  a very, very good quality but, it improved.

No, sure! :)

We could try, but with a sample.

« Last Edit: July 15, 2013, 05:21:07 PM by Mikonos »
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Re: DECLARTS - Arcade Artworks. By Mikonos
« Reply #158 on: July 15, 2013, 05:20:22 PM »
Quote from: Mikonos
My business: 0€ gained! I did it for free

Actually, you didnt do it for free:
1. You asked for the pieces to be scanned.
2. You received the files, fixed them etc. so they could be used for printing.
3. You returned the fixed file to the costumer (Ully and Bruno, so they them selves could pay for printing)
4. Now you ask them to pay for the printed art you made. (Even when you agreed on something different)
5. Now you can make money on it, because now you had the art FOR FREE

To cut it out in cardboard:
You would NOT have made any money on the After Burner II Side Art in the first place, if Bruno havent send you the file!!!!


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Re: DECLARTS - Arcade Artworks. By Mikonos
« Reply #159 on: July 15, 2013, 05:28:00 PM »
@david: are you REALLY serious about this? YOU asked me for a scan of the congo bongo sideart and later for measures because you knew that my sideart was almost immaculate and you would get a perfect scan. it was ME who pulled out the cab, scanned it, had to pull it out again later for the measures and NOW you are doing calculations on what i (theoratically) owe you? there's something seriously wrong in your calculations.

as michael just wrote, it is YOU who should be paying us (or as i've suggested at least send us a free print of the artwork), because without our help (measures, scans etc) you would have NOTHING at all in your hands and couldn't make any money at all with your artwork restorations.

i really can't believe / understand what you are trying to tell us!!!
all i need is ... PONG - and a select few others: TOUCH ME, DRAGON'S LAIR, JOUST, ROBOTRON, MR DO, SAN FRANCISCO RUSH THE ROCK!!!


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Re: DECLARTS - Arcade Artworks. By Mikonos
« Reply #160 on: July 15, 2013, 05:45:40 PM »
@david: are you REALLY serious about this? YOU asked me for a scan of the congo bongo sideart and later for measures because you knew that my sideart was almost immaculate and you would get a perfect scan. it was ME who pulled out the cab, scanned it, had to pull it out again later for the measures and NOW you are doing calculations on what i (theoratically) owe you? there's something seriously wrong in your calculations.

as michael just wrote, it is YOU who should be paying us (or as i've suggested at least send us a free print of the artwork), because without our help (measures, scans etc) you would have NOTHING at all in your hands and couldn't make any money at all with your artwork restorations.

i really can't believe / understand what you are trying to tell us!!!

You are absolutely and 100% right about this! Mikonos postings are freaking me out. Hell man, go get a life, Mikonos! This is bloody ridiculous!
Your calculations are complete bull.... sorry mate!
Looking for Dragons Lair 1 or 2, Space Ace, Double Dragon, Robotron and yeah... a Shinobi would be cool, too!


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Re: DECLARTS - Arcade Artworks. By Mikonos
« Reply #161 on: July 15, 2013, 05:50:28 PM »
3. You returned the fixed file to the costumer (Ully and Bruno, so they them selves could pay for printing)

They can send to other artist, no? Maybe he will do a better work than I. All is possible. Then, maybe he could send the fixes scans or vertorized version to them back.  :)  It is not my problem now.

Note: When I finished Vindicator sides, Ully asked for me for Congo Bongo Sides, when I finished CB, it he asked again for Firebird Side Arts. Wow, very good for a man than breaks deal, no? ;)

4. Now you ask them to pay for the printed art you made

When I print Zaxxon Sides for Bruno, he rejected the money estimation for After Burner Side arts. He didn´t tell anymore  about it because he knew than I will send to him my AB digital artworks fixed. This is the true and this was the deal!

Now, some moths latter, He wants print Side Arts of After Burner paid from my pocket. Why? Easy, he saw I showed AB Sides in other pages. When he saw than his threats not works with me (he told me than he will wreck my reputation), he started.

... And, when did Bruno post in first place? In the same site when I posted the restoration finished of After Burner Side Arts out of Dragon´s Lair fan Forum! ;)

Think about it! There are no coincidences!

This history was complexing, no?

« Last Edit: July 15, 2013, 06:03:17 PM by Mikonos »
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Re: DECLARTS - Arcade Artworks. By Mikonos
« Reply #162 on: July 15, 2013, 05:52:03 PM »
@david: are you REALLY serious about this? YOU asked me for a scan of the congo bongo sideart and later for measures because you knew that my sideart was almost immaculate and you would get a perfect scan. it was ME who pulled out the cab, scanned it, had to pull it out again later for the measures and NOW you are doing calculations on what i (theoratically) owe you? there's something seriously wrong in your calculations.

as michael just wrote, it is YOU who should be paying us (or as i've suggested at least send us a free print of the artwork), because without our help (measures, scans etc) you would have NOTHING at all in your hands and couldn't make any money at all with your artwork restorations.

i really can't believe / understand what you are trying to tell us!!!
+1, this is the real point here. :spaceace:


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Re: DECLARTS - Arcade Artworks. By Mikonos
« Reply #163 on: July 15, 2013, 05:57:28 PM »
I will not answer to anyone, but Bruno and Ully openly. I finished with Muerto, Tyrem, Belike and others.



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Re: DECLARTS - Arcade Artworks. By Mikonos
« Reply #164 on: July 15, 2013, 06:00:46 PM »

(he told me than he will wreck my reputation)

Yeah, I think your reputation is pretty much ruined anyway