Author Topic: DECLARTS - Arcade Artworks. By Mikonos  (Read 129325 times)


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Re: DECLARTS - Arcade Artworks. By Mikonos
« Reply #135 on: March 22, 2013, 08:28:53 PM »
i agree, the 3d is also cool but the totally unnatural controls spoil all the fun for me..
« Last Edit: March 22, 2013, 08:32:52 PM by gyruss »


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Re: DECLARTS - Arcade Artworks. By Mikonos
« Reply #136 on: July 14, 2013, 01:10:54 AM »
Just feel the need to share with the community my negative experience with MIKONOS from "Zona Arcade" ( )

Back in February 2012, got a private message from him. He explained me he wanted me to provide him my NOS After Burner II side art in order to scan it and create the artwork. He proposed me, after the vectorization of the side art to provide me a printed a set of reproduction, but also the digitalized file.

Well, at first time I wasn't really up for that. I didn't know him until there, and I'm not too confident to send stuff to someone I don't know so quick... but he finally convinced me (that deal and his word 'as a webmaster' to respect the deal), and the deal was done like that. It was after all, a win/win for both of us : for me, to own a free set of AB printed to apply on my cabinet, who badly needs them, for him the possibility to sell this long time sough-after set of side art and probably make lot of $$$. Those who owns an AB cabinet knows the side art problem on this cabinet.

So I provided him my NOS left side art, and he did a great job month later on that, no doubt about it : scan, then vector it, and finally create the right one.

I helped him to finish his work on the Zaxxon side art (an other sough-after one). He already vectorized it, but he didn't have the 'side art' shape/sizes, so I provided him what he needed to finish it. (see right here). Note that we didn't agree a deal for this 'Zaxxon' work. Once the job was done on his side, I had to pay him a 'solid' 167€ to receive my side arts every 'customer'. Expensive, but no complain on this because no 'agreement'...

Once we got my stuff (NOS AB side art + Zaxxon pattern), very hard to have him replies from my emails/private messages... sent him many mails to remind him the deal we done and now I'm expecting him he honors his word... but finally still have replies for him that things will come, be patient, blablabla...

I finally got the AB files. Nice, but I'm still expecting the set of side arts printed. And this is when the problem starts : He denies the deal?! I forwarded many mails/private messages where we talk about our agreement... real evidences, but he denies everything! He pretends it was a misunderstood or something, and also pretend that the deal is fair like that! I should already be happy with the digitalized file!
Sure I'm happy, but I'm also expecting the set of side arts printed. I recognize the amount of work he done for this, but ... come on, he didn't do this job only for me...He knows he'll make good money with that one...  :roll:

And I provided him again, again, and again print screen, replies, mail exchanges we've done during almost 1 years and half... but he still denied the evidence?! If the deal was unfair for him, damn it! Why the hell to complain when it's time to honor you part? At the end of each mail I'm sending him, I'm asking the same question : why don't you respect our initial deal now? No reply from him on this point... still pretending I should be happy with the files!

Because I'm a positive guy, I'm still trying to find an issue, and even proposed this : "Listen, I'm in the right to ask you all that stuff for free, because we agreed this. I can't figure out why you didn't understand it, because I wrote our deal details in almost every mails!
But I need the printed AB side art. To end this, I may accept to pay a veeeerry low price for them, if money is more important than keeping your word/reputation … but keep in mind this should be free for me! So?"
Guess what..."Bruno, this deal is is unfair and you know so well. I kept our deal so well. "  :ghost:

I'm tired to send him evidences, I'm tired to repeat him the same things, I'm tired to see him not responding to my questions. It's even not a matter of $$$, I just cannot accept when someone, especially in our arcade community, doesn't honor his word! I think I tried everything possible with him to find an issue, but he still because he's doing some business via his website/forum, I feel I have to related this.

All I'm saying here can be proved by emails exchanged between each other or private messages, and I won't hesitate to publish them if needed.
Those who knows me know I'm not a 'making troubles' guy, especially via forum but this story is just 'too much' for me!

Ok, it's not the end of the world for me  ;D I don't want to criticize him regarding his job quality or other things we done for other, but just to relate my negative experience with him...

Damn! Where to print my AB side arts now?  ::)

Etienne MacGyver

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Re: DECLARTS - Arcade Artworks. By Mikonos
« Reply #137 on: July 14, 2013, 07:57:20 AM »
I am not surprised..

Anyway, print the files here:

They send it straight out to Belgium, i used them for the banner from Chris, and the Eurocade banner also
some other projects i have printed there where the galaxian bezel, your babypac stickers for the car and the "Aart Galaxian record poster"
The DK sidearts from this topic also comes from them

Also send the files to Zorg for the vector lib, so anyone can have these for free and not need to "order" from mikonos.


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Re: DECLARTS - Arcade Artworks. By Mikonos
« Reply #138 on: July 14, 2013, 08:48:31 AM »
Just feel the need to share with the community my negative experience with MIKONOS from "Zona Arcade" ( )

Back in February 2012, got a private message from him. He explained me he wanted me to provide him my NOS After Burner II side art in order to scan it and create the artwork. He proposed me, after the vectorization of the side art to provide me a printed a set of reproduction, but also the digitalized file.

Well, at first time I wasn't really up for that. I didn't know him until there, and I'm not too confident to send stuff to someone I don't know so quick... but he finally convinced me (that deal and his word 'as a webmaster' to respect the deal), and the deal was done like that. It was after all, a win/win for both of us : for me, to own a free set of AB printed to apply on my cabinet, who badly needs them, for him the possibility to sell this long time sough-after set of side art and probably make lot of $$$. Those who owns an AB cabinet knows the side art problem on this cabinet.

So I provided him my NOS left side art, and he did a great job month later on that, no doubt about it : scan, then vector it, and finally create the right one.

I helped him to finish his work on the Zaxxon side art (an other sough-after one). He already vectorized it, but he didn't have the 'side art' shape/sizes, so I provided him what he needed to finish it. (see right here). Note that we didn't agree a deal for this 'Zaxxon' work. Once the job was done on his side, I had to pay him a 'solid' 167€ to receive my side arts every 'customer'. Expensive, but no complain on this because no 'agreement'...

Once we got my stuff (NOS AB side art + Zaxxon pattern), very hard to have him replies from my emails/private messages... sent him many mails to remind him the deal we done and now I'm expecting him he honors his word... but finally still have replies for him that things will come, be patient, blablabla...

I finally got the AB files. Nice, but I'm still expecting the set of side arts printed. And this is when the problem starts : He denies the deal?! I forwarded many mails/private messages where we talk about our agreement... real evidences, but he denies everything! He pretends it was a misunderstood or something, and also pretend that the deal is fair like that! I should already be happy with the digitalized file!
Sure I'm happy, but I'm also expecting the set of side arts printed. I recognize the amount of work he done for this, but ... come on, he didn't do this job only for me...He knows he'll make good money with that one...  :roll:

And I provided him again, again, and again print screen, replies, mail exchanges we've done during almost 1 years and half... but he still denied the evidence?! If the deal was unfair for him, damn it! Why the hell to complain when it's time to honor you part? At the end of each mail I'm sending him, I'm asking the same question : why don't you respect our initial deal now? No reply from him on this point... still pretending I should be happy with the files!

Because I'm a positive guy, I'm still trying to find an issue, and even proposed this : "Listen, I'm in the right to ask you all that stuff for free, because we agreed this. I can't figure out why you didn't understand it, because I wrote our deal details in almost every mails!
But I need the printed AB side art. To end this, I may accept to pay a veeeerry low price for them, if money is more important than keeping your word/reputation … but keep in mind this should be free for me! So?"
Guess what..."Bruno, this deal is is unfair and you know so well. I kept our deal so well. "  :ghost:

I'm tired to send him evidences, I'm tired to repeat him the same things, I'm tired to see him not responding to my questions. It's even not a matter of $$$, I just cannot accept when someone, especially in our arcade community, doesn't honor his word! I think I tried everything possible with him to find an issue, but he still because he's doing some business via his website/forum, I feel I have to related this.

All I'm saying here can be proved by emails exchanged between each other or private messages, and I won't hesitate to publish them if needed.
Those who knows me know I'm not a 'making troubles' guy, especially via forum but this story is just 'too much' for me!

Ok, it's not the end of the world for me  ;D I don't want to criticize him regarding his job quality or other things we done for other, but just to relate my negative experience with him...

Damn! Where to print my AB side arts now?  ::)
Interesting read, seems like Mikonos is another nice example of the jerks, who wants to make money from our hobby. :twisted:
This guy is also on other arcade forums, let's warn them!


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Re: DECLARTS - Arcade Artworks. By Mikonos
« Reply #139 on: July 14, 2013, 09:47:04 AM »
Sorry to hear that Bruno. :-\
Just my experience: I've bought some stuff from him about a year ago (I think).
I wasn't super happy with the quality of the print and the packaging but at least the deal was respected and he even sent me another Juno First CPO for free because the print guys cut the first one too short.


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Re: DECLARTS - Arcade Artworks. By Mikonos
« Reply #140 on: July 14, 2013, 10:25:24 AM »
Just lame! When will they ever learn? - This is such a small community, where everybody knows everybody, so to do something like this _always_ comes back and bite you in the ass! What a JERK!
A word (and in this case a mail) between people is final in my world! - honor your word MIKONOS!

« Last Edit: July 14, 2013, 10:42:48 AM by Muerto »


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Re: DECLARTS - Arcade Artworks. By Mikonos
« Reply #141 on: July 14, 2013, 01:02:06 PM »
same here: scanned the vindicators sideart (of which i was promised a free copy as well) AND the congo bongo sideart for him, NEVER got anthing in return and he's been ignoring email for a few months now!!! he's quick and fast in replying when he wants something, but extremely slow or even non-repsonsive when he has to give something. i've basically given up on getting anything from him and i would advice others not to buy from him. i've seen the printing quality he did on chris' juno first stuff and it's - well - not very good.

and one more thing: he does NOT vector his artwork!!!
all i need is ... PONG - and a select few others: TOUCH ME, DRAGON'S LAIR, JOUST, ROBOTRON, MR DO, SAN FRANCISCO RUSH THE ROCK!!!


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Re: DECLARTS - Arcade Artworks. By Mikonos
« Reply #142 on: July 14, 2013, 02:51:21 PM »
Side note: Actually non vectorising is not a problem per se.
Often it gives results that are closer to the original art.
I had an interesting chat with Archer MacLean on that matter when we visited him and most of the times he's not vectorising his repros neither.
But that's not the subject of this discussion, isn't it...


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Re: DECLARTS - Arcade Artworks. By Mikonos
« Reply #143 on: July 14, 2013, 03:09:25 PM »
same here: scanned the vindicators sideart (of which i was promised a free copy as well) AND the congo bongo sideart for him, NEVER got anthing in return and he's been ignoring email for a few months now!!! he's quick and fast in replying when he wants something, but extremely slow or even non-repsonsive when he has to give something. i've basically given up on getting anything from him and i would advice others not to buy from him. i've seen the printing quality he did on chris' juno first stuff and it's - well - not very good.

and one more thing: he does NOT vector his artwork!!!

ohoh... thank you for the warinings, guys. i will keep that in mind for sure.
Looking for Dragons Lair 1 or 2, Space Ace, Double Dragon, Robotron and yeah... a Shinobi would be cool, too!


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Re: DECLARTS - Arcade Artworks. By Mikonos
« Reply #144 on: July 14, 2013, 06:48:35 PM »
Well, from one side art, I reproduced the other. I spent my money in scanning, a lot of work of restoring (moths) and, finally, reproduced the other side art with it. When I finished, I returned  the original and sent to you my original digital copies restored of After Burner Side Art for free.

In add, I completed your Zaxxon Side arts, other very, very good artwork than needed moths for reproducing. A very hard work! Printed Zaxxon artwork was beautiful and with the best print machine performance (16 slices inkjet), with latex ink and with especial protective lamination in gloss U.V.. The very best for my people all time!

All  my hours of restoration with After Burner and Zaxxon was a present for you, same I do for other people, because this is my passion.

I apologize is deal is not completed for you, but I think is  right and just. Ask to me for paying a print reproduction is more than enough.

Sorry again, but I assure you it was misunderstand in my comprehension than you want I will pay your reproduction too! I never committed with you than I will do that, but, in any case, If I realize that repro of After Burner would cost hours,  a lot of efforts and much money, I will never set that deal. Is the cheapest for me pay  someone for scan it and send  to me.

I think not all people can be pleased with me. You are an example. In future I try do better, I promise.

I sorry again with you!

My mail:


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Re: DECLARTS - Arcade Artworks. By Mikonos
« Reply #145 on: July 14, 2013, 06:54:31 PM »
SuperUlly, I restored for you and for free: Congo Bongo side arts and Vindicators Side Art. I never told with you, when I finished I will have to send my restored work. I send you the money estimation when you ask me for print, but you never want it at the end.

« Last Edit: July 14, 2013, 07:13:52 PM by Mikonos »
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Re: DECLARTS - Arcade Artworks. By Mikonos
« Reply #146 on: July 14, 2013, 07:25:47 PM »
Ully,  you was so happy with the restoration, than wants I will  do a repro of "Firebird Side Art" from photos and I told you I will do it for free again. :)

Maybe,  if I beg money for all restoration... Well, I don´t Know how much cost one restoration hour? How many restoration hours are needed for complete one artwork? 10, 20, 30, 50 hours? For now, I did for free.

For ever, some people wants more and more, but, for ever, for free, no?

My skills, my restoration hours were a present for people than trust me his restorations. Ok, people like Superully or Bruno can task to other artist for restoring. Ully, you have your original scan, try with another, but maybe you will pay the restoration hours and printings. You balance it and decide. Maybe it will be the cheapest.

About artists, well, you know my work and I think is very, very good and very exhaustive, modestly. Maybe other are better than I. Try!

« Last Edit: July 14, 2013, 08:17:58 PM by Mikonos »
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Re: DECLARTS - Arcade Artworks. By Mikonos
« Reply #147 on: July 14, 2013, 08:13:36 PM »
About print quality, I use a print shop with the best quality ever in this hobby.

I have no problem in to print a sample for compare with other printingshop in inkjet technique. I´m  ready! Tell me! I will sent to you for compare. I will win, sure! :)

obviously, there is difference between silkscreen and inkjet.

I have no problem. I repeat, when you want. I could set a bigger photos in this post. I photo all I order to print for other collectors and users.

You tell me!

« Last Edit: July 14, 2013, 08:18:53 PM by Mikonos »
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Re: DECLARTS - Arcade Artworks. By Mikonos
« Reply #148 on: July 14, 2013, 11:32:07 PM »
i scanned both the vindicators AND the congo bongo sideart for you, provided you with measures when you needed them. did i ask for any money? NO!!! after all, it is you who is making money because of my scans which were the basis for your reproductions. in return, i asked you to work on the space firebird sideart, but after sending you what you needed, i wrote you a gazillion emails asking if / how work is coming along, but never ever received any answers. a simple "haven't had time yet" or something similar would have been ok, but you simly ignored all my emails. what do you want me to think then?

honestly, if i were you running a business of arcade reproduction artwork, i would send the guys who lend me their NOS artwork or who scan entire sideart files in for me a complete set of reproduction art FOR FREE, because without their help, you wouldn't have anything at all. but that's just my two cents!

nevertheless, i'd love to put this behind us and still be interested whether you are planning on working on that space firebird sideart or not ...
all i need is ... PONG - and a select few others: TOUCH ME, DRAGON'S LAIR, JOUST, ROBOTRON, MR DO, SAN FRANCISCO RUSH THE ROCK!!!

Etienne MacGyver

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Re: DECLARTS - Arcade Artworks. By Mikonos
« Reply #149 on: July 14, 2013, 11:40:27 PM »
You can send bruno two prints for comparation; a left and a right fullsize sideart of afterburner  ;D