Just feel the need to share with the community my negative experience with MIKONOS from "Zona Arcade" (
http://www.zonaarcade.com )
Back in February 2012, got a private message from him. He explained me he wanted me to provide him my NOS After Burner II side art in order to scan it and create the artwork. He proposed me, after the vectorization of the side art to provide me a printed a set of reproduction, but also the digitalized file.
Well, at first time I wasn't really up for that. I didn't know him until there, and I'm not too confident to send stuff to someone I don't know so quick... but he finally convinced me (that deal and his word 'as a webmaster' to respect the deal), and the deal was done like that. It was after all, a win/win for both of us : for me, to own a free set of AB printed to apply on my cabinet, who badly needs them, for him the possibility to sell this long time sough-after set of side art and probably make lot of $$$. Those who owns an AB cabinet knows the side art problem on this cabinet.
So I provided him my NOS left side art, and he did a great job month later on that, no doubt about it : scan, then vector it, and finally create the right one.
I helped him to finish his work on the Zaxxon side art (an other sough-after one). He already vectorized it, but he didn't have the 'side art' shape/sizes, so I provided him what he needed to finish it. (see right
here). Note that we didn't agree a deal for this 'Zaxxon' work. Once the job was done on his side, I had to pay him a 'solid' 167€ to receive my side arts printed...like every 'customer'. Expensive, but no complain on this because no 'agreement'...
Once we got my stuff (NOS AB side art + Zaxxon pattern), very hard to have him replies from my emails/private messages... sent him many mails to remind him the deal we done and now I'm expecting him he honors his word... but finally still have replies for him that things will come, be patient, blablabla...
I finally got the AB files. Nice, but I'm still expecting the set of side arts printed. And this is when the problem starts : He denies the deal?! I forwarded many mails/private messages where we talk about our agreement... real evidences, but he denies everything! He pretends it was a misunderstood or something, and also pretend that the deal is fair like that! I should already be happy with the digitalized file!
Sure I'm happy, but I'm also expecting the set of side arts printed. I recognize the amount of work he done for this, but ... come on, he didn't do this job only for me...He knows he'll make good money with that one...

And I provided him again, again, and again print screen, replies, mail exchanges we've done during almost 1 years and half... but he still denied the evidence?! If the deal was unfair for him, damn it! Why the hell to complain when it's time to honor you part? At the end of each mail I'm sending him, I'm asking the same question : why don't you respect our initial deal now? No reply from him on this point... still pretending I should be happy with the files!
Because I'm a positive guy, I'm still trying to find an issue, and even proposed this : "Listen, I'm in the right to ask you all that stuff for free, because we agreed this. I can't figure out why you didn't understand it, because I wrote our deal details in almost every mails!
But I need the printed AB side art. To end this, I may accept to pay a veeeerry low price for them, if money is more important than keeping your word/reputation … but keep in mind this should be free for me! So?"
Guess what..."Bruno, this deal is is unfair and you know so well. I kept our deal so well. "

I'm tired to send him evidences, I'm tired to repeat him the same things, I'm tired to see him not responding to my questions. It's even not a matter of $$$, I just cannot accept when someone, especially in our arcade community, doesn't honor his word! I think I tried everything possible with him to find an issue, but he still deny...so because he's doing some business via his website/forum, I feel I have to related this.
All I'm saying here can be proved by emails exchanged between each other or private messages, and I won't hesitate to publish them if needed.
Those who knows me know I'm not a 'making troubles' guy, especially via forum but this story is just 'too much' for me!
Ok, it's not the end of the world for me

I don't want to criticize him regarding his job quality or other things we done for other, but just to relate my negative experience with him...
Damn! Where to print my AB side arts now?