I'm always shocked when I start a game in our room and see the very/far too small pad at the bottom and I wonder 'How the f**k am I supposed to catch the ball with this small thing?' 
Haha LOL, imagine how a game like this would have been like if it were developed today.
First you would have to go through a load of option screens where you can set the background colors, the colors of all individual tiles, wether they have sharp or curved edges, the color of your bat, the size of your bat, the way that the angles work on the bat's edges, gravity, the speed of the ball etc. etc.
Then the game would cheat by letting you hit the ball even if you were "close enough" to the ball because else "it wouldn't be fair".......
....and of course you'd have indefinite continues so you can "complete" the game so quickly that you are done with it within one week and have to go out and buy a new game.
Nahhhh, in those times, gamers were men of steel. The rules were simple clear and hard