Well, I guess the games I really really really wanted ...are now mine
BUT to be complete, here's the missing ones :
1. SEGA R360
(it's me playing on that monster for the very last time, in London Trocadero - 2005)This game represent the finest technology used for a video game. It was a real competition at the time : who will create the craziest arcade game!
In addition, it will looks great close the the other arcade monster from that era : Namco Galaxian Theater
(As seen in the Joystix game room, in Houston / 2009)That 'environmental' cabinet is simply perfect. The theme is the ultimate one in the video game world : Tron!
I'm simply in love with that one.
(it's me playing on this baby, in London Trocadero - 2006)Another big boy that requires a lot of space, but guys, that game deserves it for me! I agree there's not a lot of 'action' in this game, but each time I have the opportunity to play it, I DO!
It's a really 'zen' game! The triple screen is really Immersive. I already had two opportunity to buy it, but I won't miss the third one
It's just a game I really love and so, I would like the dedicated version of course. I only seen one, at Rav's place in 2007. It wasn't for sale at the time, and l8ter... it was already sold.
Anyway, I'm still looking for that one!
(As seen in the Joystix game room, in Houston / 2009)Same reason than Kung Fu Master. I remember Oliver had many of them (different version?), but they were not for sale at the time. Maybe now?

Of course, I'll still up for other games opportunities/rarities , in order to fill my 'nice to have' list

But If I had to pick up only 5 'must have ' games I'm still looking for, it would be these 5 ones...