Author Topic: A man and his mission - the quest for the zacc bezel  (Read 7666 times)

Etienne MacGyver

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A man and his mission - the quest for the zacc bezel
« on: March 25, 2012, 05:34:04 PM »
I have a mission today, a pickup/drop-off and helping out some friends..

The stuff ready for delivery at the central distribution center located somewhere in europe  :D

Start stats..

A roadtrip without coffee is not a roadtrip !  ;)

Almost at the exit of my destination, i spot some smoke ahead of me..
I hope its not the central distribution point that is on fire !  :o

But no, it was this old ferrari with the alarmlights blinking and driving 50 km/h..

I felt like the guys from this show when i drove over this bridge  ;D

If you follow this board regular, you might recognise this passage..  8)

Ofcourse ! , its Chrischris Place.  ::)

There is the man himself..  :D

Also there was another dude there....
He told us he had to deliver a Pengo for SuperUlly, and pickup an Empty Astroids...

He also said he had some trouble to fit the pengo in the car, and decided to "compact it a bit"..

For the rest the Pengo is totally fine, the board is very clean...

And remember, we are visiting a very dangerous man today,
His hobby is breaking necks!

So far the story about the pengo..

Nahh, time to get serious, the pengo is in great shape!

Nicely packed in foil..

More transactions here..
and in goed the yet to be build Lunar Lander..

Ofcourse you guys spotted the official bezel transport case in the first pic, and that was my main mission today !

After exchanging all the goods, we where invited for a great lunch.
On my way to the garden i passed a monster in chris's hallway!

Also we had a nice learning session by Andre about the cap check tool

Then i did some job for chris, and after that i drove home again..
I am entering holland again..

And 5 minutes later, my exit...  :D

Dropped the bezel at its final location, lets open it up and see if it survived the trip..

Complete and in one piece !, Great !

And on location in the waiting Zacc..

I love it how it matches the sidearts!

End statistics..

2 countries, 293 Km. 8 hours away from home.

Mission Complete !

Thanks again Chris and Andre for a great day!

And ofcourse Belike for the Spacestation Bezel !  :spaceace: :spaceace:
« Last Edit: March 25, 2012, 05:37:42 PM by Etienne »


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Re: A man and his mission - the quest for the zacc bezel
« Reply #1 on: March 25, 2012, 06:26:29 PM »
Nice gathering. :D
Your Space Station cab looks really nice with the glass Etienne, just a cpo to go and you can play Street Fighter with the 4 Vanguard buttons. ;D
Thanks for the report, nice trip, nice people. :D


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Re: A man and his mission - the quest for the zacc bezel
« Reply #2 on: March 25, 2012, 07:00:09 PM »
nice report, etienne, i especially liked the "compact pengo picture"!!!
all i need is ... PONG - and a select few others: TOUCH ME, DRAGON'S LAIR, JOUST, ROBOTRON, MR DO, SAN FRANCISCO RUSH THE ROCK!!!


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Re: A man and his mission - the quest for the zacc bezel
« Reply #3 on: March 25, 2012, 09:28:22 PM » was a great day for the EADS (European Arcade Distribution System).

On friday evening PolderArcade was so kind to bring something I had to forward further South. The case was, he had found a lost penguin which was heading up north for some strange reason.

We all know penguins need to live on the south pole so we decided that it had to move further south so Bart brought it from the Amsterdam surroundings to my place. The trip had to go way further south though, so I would do the 2nd part of the trip....

If you want to become a member of EADS system, you have to obey some pretty strict rules !

First of all you must make a survival package. This of course depends on the destination and duration of the trip. In this case the trip wasn't that long so we could keep it simple....

Second, you must be able to transport delicate goods safely. In this case we scored a 9,5 and not a 10 regretfully, but I will come back on that later... ::) ::)

Anyway, we carefully convinced the penguin to enter my car...

Yes, another cab enters the trusty Skoda. This will be one of the last cabs I will transport in this car. There is over 180.000 km on this one and a new one is already ordered and will be delivered half june...

The penguin is pretty big but it still fits easily:

A professional EADS member does not forget to warn upcoming traffic (if there is any that is....) for the delicate cargo:

Also he managed to still load MORE stuff on board....

Weather & road conditions report check: bright blue sunny sky, excellent temps for the time of year, this is going to be a relaxed road-trip !

The planned trip. Of course we will shave off some time to make it a round 1.45 hrs...even without speeding need, relax man !

Destination is somewhere between Brussels and Charleroi.

As so many trips before, we head south and cross the water from the provence of Zuid-Holland to the provence Noord-Brabant.

and we enter Belgium, of course first we enter Flanders

Ahhh, if only the roads were always like this:

I loudly sing along to Borderline from Madonna on my favorite radio station
Yes I made a video. No I won't torture you with it :)

Luckily, this time we do not head to Gand from Antwerp but instead aim for Brussels so it's a different trip from there....

Passing Brussels on the east side, nice woods and very old-fashioned hi-way:

We reach some pretty historical grounds:

 I mean EVERYONE knows this Abba song:

We're making good progress......

Paris ? Wow, didn't know I was going so fast and far ;)

Finally we reach the destination, Chris's mansion:

...oops no, that's not it, it's still a bit further down the road...

But there we reach destination: The EASD Warehouse (TM) !

Something familiar is already waiting with the warehouse manager... :)

Next we unload the penguin and I think it was the hot weather but it seemed to have melted...

Anyway...nothing to do about that, so let's get out that empty, soul-less shell.

Please don't be to harsh on it. It had a great youth, when it was young it proudly played one of the best and most popular arcade games every made.
But later, when it got a bit older, and the vector monitor got defective, some cruel op transformed it into a raster game !!
In shame, it spent it's last years in operation. Luckily, this transformation did make the cabinet survive much longer than expected.

Surgeon Chris had kindly removed all the wrong parts from it so that it is ready for its second life in glory, becoming a Lunar Lander !

Yes it had some corner damage, some minor nicks, but the cab is structurally sound and will be great in the end !

In the mean time another EADS colleague had arrived for another parts pick-up:

Close inspection of the goods:

There were some small worries if the Asteroids would fit the car but I should have given it some more trust after having moved so many cabs with it....:

Fits perfectly, I love how the designers of the car made the back door so "bulgy", it makes fitting cabs a breeze:

I did have to move the front chair a bit further forwards compared to the penguin....

After that there was a little explanation to do about how to operate an ESR meter (where even I learned something ;) ;)) for the colleagues.

After all the hard work there is time for a short break, and of course the professional EADS driver never drinks alcohol before driving, but only the Officially Allowed EADS Soda:

There is also time for a nice lunch, kindly offered by the EADS warehouse manager, Etienne and I feel like being on holiday in France !

Next, for me, it was time to head back home. I wanted to see what was on the other side of that famous tunnel and I got lost a little bit, a nice way to see a bit of the surroundings:

And so, we head back home. The trip was relaxed ann uneventful....of course no road-trip pic is complete without:

This is always the sign for me I'm almost in The Netherlands again as these are just still on the Belgian border.

I gave RobinHolland a ring to let him know my ETA and we store the future LL in it's temporary place, he managed to arrange just one single spot left (thanks buddy !!!):

Of course I also picked up some other LL parts at Chris's place. F.I. my precious. My most expensive PCB EVER !:

Yes, a (supposedly) working Lunar Lander PCB. REALLY happy to have it here now ! :)

Not so happy with this though !:

It is the famous edge connector burning that so many Atari games suffer....

So....this isn't exactly plug-n-play.....this will need to be fixed, but it's possible in different will be OK.

Now about the penguin. Even though it was totally wrapped, during unloading the game from Bart's car a small part of the plastic got torn. We later noticed that a small part of the side art got damaged by something. We have no clue what as we had card-board and blankets on the edge of the car but it happened. You can blame me for it Ully, I'm really sorry and I'm sick of it but I can't undo it.

Knowing your magic I am sure you will find a way to make it almost invisible....sorry dude !!!  :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops:

While I was at Robin's storage we made some pics of the inside of the Sega Bomber. See the Bomber thread for those pics !

« Last Edit: March 25, 2012, 09:38:54 PM by Level42 »


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Re: A man and his mission - the quest for the zacc bezel
« Reply #4 on: March 25, 2012, 09:51:39 PM »
Nice trip with a lot of arcade related experience, I hope you didn't forget to take the Atari psu. ;)
Thanks for sharing.


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Re: A man and his mission - the quest for the zacc bezel
« Reply #5 on: March 25, 2012, 10:33:52 PM »
I hope you didn't forget to take the Atari psu. ;)


O well.....a nice excuse for a next trip....I will have to pick up some vinyl at Chris' place too within a couple of weeks. Or maybe Chris' will be up north a bit sometime soon....

I blame the warehouse man, he didn't show me the part, how could he forget !       ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
« Last Edit: March 25, 2012, 10:35:48 PM by Level42 »


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Re: A man and his mission - the quest for the zacc bezel
« Reply #6 on: March 25, 2012, 11:09:47 PM »
first of all a huge thank you to all the guys of the EADS - you rock!

as for the damage to the pengo sideart: stuff like that happens, especially if you move the cab around often. the cab had been moved from the seller's location to bart's place, from there to andré and then again to chris where i will pick it up eventually (and it won't be the last time it will be moved, believe me). it's just a shame that it's the art and not a damage to the cab itself, but i'll try to work my magic on it. i really have to thank you guys (bart & andré) for picking it up and transporting it around holland (and belgium eventually), you saved me some serious kilometers.

i know for a fact that once i'm leaving this apartment and my cabs will move to their (hopefully) final destination they will get slightly damaged, there's just so much you can do.

oh, by the way, i almost forgot, andré: while rolling that piece of black vinyl for your star wars backdoor up today i accidently dropped it and stepped on it. while picking it up again, my cat attacked it and dug its claw into it, so the vinyl is somewhat wrinkled now and has some holes in it, but i'm sure you can live with it, can't you? ;)

p.s.: i love that picture of andré with the "vectrex helmet" on - if only i could find such a wonderful helmet for my collection!!!
all i need is ... PONG - and a select few others: TOUCH ME, DRAGON'S LAIR, JOUST, ROBOTRON, MR DO, SAN FRANCISCO RUSH THE ROCK!!!


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Re: A man and his mission - the quest for the zacc bezel
« Reply #7 on: March 26, 2012, 11:05:13 AM »
Great writeup and nice pictures!

Incidentally, there soon will be another quest for a Zacc bezel. More on that later. ;)
Oh, and thanks for the pictures of the cab in the car. I drive the same car, and I've been wondering if I could fit a cab in there. Now I know! :)
All I wanted was a Pepsi!
Currently looking for an original Wonderboy PCB.


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Re: A man and his mission - the quest for the zacc bezel
« Reply #8 on: March 26, 2012, 11:44:18 AM »
I hope you didn't forget to take the Atari psu. ;)

It was ready to pick up next to the front door (Bélà will recognize his package), I totally forgot. :oops: :oops: :oops:
I was so high on the 5 Dr Pepper cans I had that I couldn't focus on anything  ;D

Thanks a lot André for the ESR tutorial + Etienne for the Nintendo fix, come back this weekend, I still have some


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Re: A man and his mission - the quest for the zacc bezel
« Reply #9 on: March 26, 2012, 11:51:48 AM »
Piece of cake. The Octavia is a cab-eater. A lot of people where I showed up with it said the cab I was picking up was never going to fit and I just laughed :)

The only one that made me sit pretty poorly was the Centipede, but I was inexperienced then and I think I put that one in the wrong way around....

Oh and the Space Invaders was REALLY REALLY a tight fit and the only game that I could not close the lid on....
the base of the machine is HUGE and there was literally only half a centimeter on each corner....

The only bad thing about this car:

- the lousy way you have to remove the seats (with some weird hooks) from the back bench ( you HAVE to completely remove them or you will not have enough height.)
- the edge on the backside. F.I. the Opel Astra has a totally flat opening which is much easier to load cabs. Maybe this construction does provide a better rear collission protection though ?
- there is another small edge where the backseats are that you need to lift the cab over

Apart from that I love the car. It drives great and has a great engine. my new one will be a 1.6 TDI (1.9 now) but with same horsepower AND what I am going to love: the DSG-7 automatic transmission. This uses two clutches so it "prepares" the next gear while driving in the other. No more clutch and stick-shift for me, I'm too old for that shit ;);)
« Last Edit: March 26, 2012, 11:57:56 AM by Level42 »


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Re: A man and his mission - the quest for the zacc bezel
« Reply #10 on: March 26, 2012, 12:08:11 PM »
Don't worry Chris,  I totally forgot about it as well......anyway, I will have to pick up the dropped-stepped on-clat clawed-black vinyl from Ully anyway in some weeks time....and maybe there will be another not too large item too..... ;D

And those boudins are really nice ! I think they are not very much unlike the Weisswurst I had at Speleo's some time ago...


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Re: A man and his mission - the quest for the zacc bezel
« Reply #11 on: March 26, 2012, 01:08:05 PM »
Hehe, thanks for the info, Level 42. I drive a fairly old Octavia, 2002 model, but I think it is pretty similar to yours in the space department. My roof might be slightly lower. Have never tried to remove the seats like you describe. I have two seats for children in there now and one of them is close to being velded in there. I remember using two hours to install it.  :-[ Luckily I can borrow a van through work, so this week I will be using that to pick up my Zacc Star Splash. :)

On the topic of transporting bezels. I'm going to Germany to pick up a bezel next weekend. Do you guys think they will give me hassle at Frankfurt Airport about taking it back as cabin luggage?
All I wanted was a Pepsi!
Currently looking for an original Wonderboy PCB.


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Re: A man and his mission - the quest for the zacc bezel
« Reply #12 on: March 26, 2012, 02:23:18 PM »
Heh, if it is a glass bezel I am 100% sure you are not going to get it in the cabin. You could break it and attack with the broken pieces......plastic....mmmmm...still pretty large I guess....


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Re: A man and his mission - the quest for the zacc bezel
« Reply #13 on: March 26, 2012, 02:34:05 PM »
It's glass. Damn. Hadn't thought about the attacking aspect, only the size. We arcade people are the peaceful kind I guess. I have been thinking that the fragility would be a good reason why they would let it pass.  :? I play in a band and I travel all over Norway by plane, and they always let us bring the fragile guitars as cabin luggage. But ok, I have a huge hardshell suitcase that will fit it I think, so no worries. Only glad I asked here in advance. Thanks.

« Last Edit: March 26, 2012, 02:36:13 PM by Arch »
All I wanted was a Pepsi!
Currently looking for an original Wonderboy PCB.

Etienne MacGyver

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Re: A man and his mission - the quest for the zacc bezel
« Reply #14 on: March 26, 2012, 02:43:14 PM »
Why not call the airline and explane ?

Maybe you can drop it off at the cockpit and they store it for you.

That is also more convienient because its already in the cockpit when you start your attack  ;D ;D ;D