Oke people whit al the good news at the moment, i am afread i have some bad news

Finally have some time to start planning for eurocade
Having some problems whit cabs I should bring.
Konami jet wave trying to fix the game a idiot

(me) completely destroy the electric motor and it will be a expensive / impossible fix ,for now it’s put in the storage corner.
So it’s not possible to bring to eurocade
Outruners lost sound completely and not possible to fix at the moment and the weight of the cab is getting a bic problem
So it’s not possible to bring to eurocade
Alien 3 same as outruners extremely heavy end hard to load end not realy fiting the eurocade style to new
So it’s not possible to bring to eurocade
But I don’t want to come empty handed so if you guys agree whit it I want to bring:
Atari Bad lands / Atari vindicators ,games in polderarcade condition not looking great (outside of the cab )but good playable
And if the weather is oke I want to bring hang-on dlx on the trailer
Also will bring the pins
Goldwings fix a broken ramp this week is oke now
Jungle lord burned a connector last Saturdays party will be a easy fix and be done before eurocade

Sorry for the last minute chances but really busy whit not arcade related stuff so I hope you will not be to much disipointed
And the last thing ,the same like last year’s eurocade it is on the same date as one of the best partys of the year(wilde zwijnen bal) so for us we will leaf the party around nine to pick up the cabs Sunday
Something not clear let me know