Helllooooooooo....long time no news here......
It was very hard for us to find a date for a meeting of the Eurocade team. One particular member I will not mention further found it necessary to go to a big country on the other side of the pool and spoil time at weird places like arcade museums and bars and others had even worse lame excuses but finally we fixed a date which is coming weekend.....

Now.....I'm a bit out of the loop myself. First of all I had a very busy first half of the year at work. Had a couple of medium to large new fire alarms to be commissioned and tested
http://www.ziggodome.nl (well actually the parking garage under it plus the office tower next to it....),
another Parking garage in Roermond and above all:
http://www.heembouw.nl/index.php/werk-in-uitvoering/overig/corpus-hotel-oegstgeest.html )
and had some health things to deal with with my son, my wife and myself...
Anyway ....this resulted in a bit less focus on Eurocade as last year BUT that doesn't mean it's going to get less.......quite the opposite in fact, it is going to be BETTER than Eurocade 2012 !

But.....I need all of you guys to help out. How ? Simple: Come over and bring a cab ! Many people have already enlisted. Especially the people who were there last year were the first one's to again commit to coming because they simply don't want to miss it !

This already resulted in an impressive list, a list that would already bypass the number of machines we had last year, but I remember that a lot of machines were enlisted quite late last year....
Anyway...I need to update the list.... So, can you all please check the list and if there are any changes please inform me so I can refresh it.
Also....if you have anything we should discuss on the meeting coming weekend then please post it here (or PM me.)
Thanks friends !!!