Oh, in the meantime I've discovered it on another forum (uploaded last summer by AtariFan, who turns out to be youuu, Gerry, as I see now).

After a brief and basic comparison I must tell the disc image herein is seemingly of the same program version as yours, I think.
But please check yourself.
My DL one seems to be dead. Actually two control disks came with my eBay purchase back then. None of the floppy discs seemed original (I mean the stickers, they were cheap homemade like ones). The blue one which had the Dragon's Lair writing on it is for Thayer's Quest, the other one (as I can recall it was pink (!) does not work / can't be read, it's total garbage (also has Dragon's Lair written on its physical label, that's why I always thought I had DL only). On the other hand I was really happy to have found the Thayer's Quest floppy disk in my collection, as the DL control disc is available for the Amiga for a long time.
Maybe Igorstellar (I watched his video you linked) has a working one for the ST, don't you happen to know?
And still no Space Ace control disk been found for now (for any system).