Author Topic: The warehouse groupbuy  (Read 112819 times)


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Re: The warehouse groupbuy
« Reply #300 on: March 03, 2012, 08:21:28 PM »
Funny 'cause I've been On Her Majesty's Secret Service in Belgium too this week, more on that pretty soon  ::)


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Re: The warehouse groupbuy
« Reply #301 on: March 03, 2012, 08:53:35 PM »
Funny 'cause I've been On Her Majesty's Secret Service in Belgium too this week, more on that pretty soon  ::)

Teasing power!  ::)


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Re: The warehouse groupbuy
« Reply #302 on: March 04, 2012, 02:06:46 AM »
OK.....small road-trip report.

Road-trip....Yeah sort of....

As mentioned I was on a secret trip from a UK inhabitant....he had asked if a certain machine was still available from The Warehouse (tm)....I thought it I made yet another appointment with the operator...

Planned route: Ridderkerk->Goes->Warehouse near Gent->Goes (unintended)->Ridderkerk......

Left this morning WAY behind schedule...

First part of the trip...

One of the things I love about road trips into Belgium is that I can listen to my favorite radio station Radio Nostalgie (

This station plays 70s and 80s music, but unlike Veronica in Holland they do NOT recycle ONLY the huge hits, no they play also the more forgotten tracks, one is even greater to hear than the other.

And maybe it was a sign but RIGHT when Level42 went on a road trip they play.......

....yes Level 42 with Something About You....

Anyway.....if you looked at the picture I put up you see a huge Bomber....and that is the goal of the mission today.

Indeed this probably was one of the few "diamonds" we left behind on our previous trips. Of course I don't mean the Canyon Bomber which we all know was saved by Ully (& Chris).

No, we're talking about (as I learned recently) an ultra-rare Sega Bomber. It is a very early Sega game, from 1977. Klov has NO pictures of it. There is also NO dedicated flyer in the arcade flyer archive, but there IS this one...

As you can see Sega was pretty smart and made something of a universal cabinet that fitted several games. It even has a cut-out for a pedal....

I have looked through all forums, googled around and could found NOTHING about this game ! No one seems to own one.....or even have pics...


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Re: The warehouse groupbuy
« Reply #303 on: March 04, 2012, 02:25:00 AM » first goal was the city of Goes in Zeeland. As you guys know I had to pic up a "couple" of PCBs there AND a beautiful coin door.

Since Joeks kindly offered these for free....I gave him a small token of my appreciation in the hope he liked Belgian beer...
A nice big bottle of Palm beer :)

It was great meeting Joeks, very friendly guy but regretfully I had very little time as I had agreed a time to be at the warehouse and had to catch up some time.

I had brought in my camera to takes some pics but I put it on the stairs. By the time we loaded up the PCBs and the coin door I had forgotten about it....and left it there in the hurry....which meant no road trip pics...

Only after crossing the longest (6.6 km) (toll) tunnel in Holland (

I arrived in Zeeuws Vlaanderen. I remember this tunnel from getting my Galaxian....

Also, this is the area where a certain "Arcadegek" lives. It's funny, this is a part of Holland that one rarely visits because it's only reachable through the tunnel or through Belgium...

SO.....I took a "short-cut" route which quickly brought me to the Gent area and arrived only 15 minutes late....

I mentioned what cab I was looking for and the op exactly knew where it was (it was moved I thought....).
In his nice Flemmish he said that it was still "marching"..... when I asked if the PCB was still inside.
So he powered it up. Within a second the marquee lit up and also the little light in the bezel indicating the "bonus level".

Soon after that there was a nice picture and we had a fully working attract mode !

He tried to find a key to open the (strange) coin door (basically a piece of the front...) to credit the machine but didn't have the right key....
Then there was some negotiations about price of course and I must say he put some serious water to the wine from his asking price so we arrived at the max the mysterious buyer was willing to pay for it (not that much really ;)).
He said "because it's you, you can take it for that price" :) It's good to have good contacts (be friendly, stick to what you agree (time etc.)
He also told me some French guy had returned later to pick up some Eduro Racers I believe ? Maybe Rémi ?

There was still a working one left though...

More tomorrow.....


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Re: The warehouse groupbuy
« Reply #304 on: March 04, 2012, 07:11:57 AM »

Damn! You should have used this cult (and great) Motörhead album cover, in addition the perfect picture choice for this story  :arrow:


Revise your 'rock/heavy/metal' classic please ;D

Etienne MacGyver

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Re: The warehouse groupbuy
« Reply #305 on: March 04, 2012, 09:00:03 AM »
hehe, Sega Bomber , i knew it!

Remember Bruno, Andre is not into metal....

Would have made a perfect thread picture though, i agree on that !


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Re: The warehouse groupbuy
« Reply #306 on: March 04, 2012, 10:01:52 AM »
pretty amazing it's still working after so many years!


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Re: The warehouse groupbuy
« Reply #307 on: March 04, 2012, 10:58:09 AM »
I love metal Etienne, cupper, aluminum, gold....the more the better ! :)

Indeed awesome picture Bruno !

SO ....I looked around a bit more in the warehouse. There was now in Indiana Jones pinball which was TOTALLY discolored but the play field was nice, regretfully it was already sold for 1500 Euro's. There was also an Elton John pinball, really old in pretty nice condition, was sold too.

The op also asked if anyone was interested in a 2 player Namco/Atari Final Lap for 200 Euros he claimed the monitors were working (I guess it's fully working...)
(Crappy cell phone pics coming up....)

If I had the space it would be mine......ANY 2 player racer is a great cab to have....

In my excitement that the machine was working I apparently managed to NOT make a pic of it  :twisted: :evil: :twisted:

About the rest of the machines in the warehouse.....nothing really changed....everything still there. Loads of Photoplays that I hadn't seen (or noticed) before...

SO I loaded up the cab....since the flyer mentioned the sizes I wasn't worried if it would fit in my car, but because it will have to be delivered to the UK AND I will have 2 passengers on board....
Now....we ALMOST managed to put it in with 1/3 of the back-bench still up but someone was preventing it to go the last centimeters. Turns out it was the joystick being in the way. There are also 4 wheels under the cab (handy !). So if I remove the CP for the trip to the UK and maybe the casters, it will all JUST fit (mind won't be roomy in the back Erik and Pieter ! :)

So I drove back to Joeks' place, quickly picked up the camera and gave Robin a call....he agreed to store this baby until 14 april so we unloaded it, had a quick look and MADE SOME PICS !!!

Clearly it was mention to go to mainland Europe from the start....

But it was made in Japan....

Robin have a  look at this very rare machine...we like it more and more :)

Regretfully the machine has no side-art but that's how it is supposed to be.

The best piece of artwork on it is the marquee. I still find it amazing that the SEGA logo is already so old but STILL looking great and not aged....

The bezel had three bombers that light up depending on the bonus level I guess. The one on the right lit up right away...
There's a very weird RGB color overlay over the monitor which is a bit weird since the movement on the screen is horizontal but maybe it has some function in the game I don't know of yet....

Gotta love that CP even thought there is no artwork. Look at these very special buttons and the Japanese instructions....:)

Wit a bit of black paint this is going to look great again:

English instructions:

I'm sure it's set-up for Belgian Francs now but I love that coin entry...

Close up of the buttons. In my best Japanese I can read "Start game" on the yellow button and "release bomb" on the right one ;) ;) ;) Seriously if one of the Japanese guys here could give an exact translation that would be great....

The coin door in Japanese style (little crime.....) It's simply a cut out of the front plate with a piano hinge.....:)

I had a look at the back of the monitor before I left the warehouse (for some weird reason ;)). That has a separate "door" that can be simply unscrewed. Ther is a NEC b/w monitor in there with a NEC tube, I've never seen this chassis before.

Regretfully I coulnd't credit it so I can't say if the game plays OK but I expect little trouble. The only "issue" I saw is that the picture is slightly jittering horizontally but I bet that that is just a bad pot meter on the monitor....

I never got to see the PCB. All of these require documentation because there is nothing available on the net.

My plan is to do a basic cleaning of the cab and make pics of the inside.

Alpha1: you better make sure you have a brand new UK plug at South Coast Slam so we can have it running there right away.

All in all I'm very happy "we" saved this cab, it may be not the most know machine or a real classic, but it certainly is a very rare piece e of SEGA history and as such a very cool machine.
« Last Edit: March 04, 2012, 11:00:59 AM by Level42 »


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Re: The warehouse groupbuy
« Reply #308 on: March 04, 2012, 11:02:32 AM »
The monitor is looking HUGE by the way for this set-up I'm sure it's a 23"...


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Re: The warehouse groupbuy
« Reply #309 on: March 04, 2012, 11:09:11 AM »
that for sure is a very nice game, and in good condition! - never heard anything about it, but great catch! :spaceace:
A shame about the indiana jones pinball, IMO one of the best out there! (at least it got the most gameplay when i had one at the shed..  :o)
« Last Edit: March 04, 2012, 12:01:55 PM by Muerto »


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Re: The warehouse groupbuy
« Reply #310 on: March 04, 2012, 11:38:55 AM »
great job in saving this, andré (and oll?). unfortunately, the rest of the cab doesn't live up to the fabulous marquee artwork, but nevertheless totally worth saving. from what you have seen, does it play like some kind of canyon bomber?
all i need is ... PONG - and a select few others: TOUCH ME, DRAGON'S LAIR, JOUST, ROBOTRON, MR DO, SAN FRANCISCO RUSH THE ROCK!!!


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Re: The warehouse groupbuy
« Reply #311 on: March 04, 2012, 12:42:14 PM »
Was great meeting you Andre!
And thanks for the beer, I LOVE Belgian beers :)

Nice Sega Bomber cabinet you took home with you.
I had a glance at it when you came to pickup your camera.
That cabinet is like the grandfather of my Japanese SEGA candy cabinets :)

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Re: The warehouse groupbuy
« Reply #312 on: March 04, 2012, 01:12:30 PM »
Those buttons are the same as used on Sega Space Trek


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Re: The warehouse groupbuy
« Reply #313 on: March 04, 2012, 11:21:09 PM »
Looks like the artist who drew the marquee made a small mistake. The plane on it is a WW2 Boeing B17 "Flying Fortress" and it shows the name "Bit o' Lace".
However that plane had number 976 and not 978......

Apparantly they didnt dare (or care) to draw the pin up either ;);)


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Re: The warehouse groupbuy
« Reply #314 on: March 04, 2012, 11:41:38 PM »
Wait... my mission for the same customer also involved a bomber and loud explosions...
That guy must be up to something...