Yeah I LOVE my new Hard Drivin':

Etienne, you forgot some:
2x Sega Blockout
Sega Bomber
Still a coupl of Taito's left too.
One of the Breakouts has a PCB inside but one is missing the BW tube.
I did some last minute changes (Dave loved me for it I'm sure, he was about the drive off....) for you Hatster so that you have a bezel and better control panel. The seller didnt really like that

Much to my regret I didn't have a tool to remove the original marquee from that machine and the seller complained a bit about it already so I had to leave it.. pretty sure Breakout marquee should be able to find...
When you get the PD working I'm coming over for a game or two !!!

Funny conversation between Dave and me:
Dave: "Do you know what's the best way to Barcelona ?"
Me: "uhhh, head South !"