SInce I can't edit my older posts anymore all of a sudden (??) I have to update the "Wanted/Reserved" list here.
I changed the list to being named RESERVED because once your name and machine are on that list it means you DEFINITLY want it and are going to pick it up NEXT SATURDAY at the warehouse OR have arranged pick-up in any way OR have let me know that the cab needs to be transported to Polderarcades's place.
@Rorsach: Your offer for space is also excellent, maybe even a better option than Polderarcade's location which is near Amsterdam. Roosendaal is a lot closer to Gent, and thus I think the seller will be much more willing to transport them there. On the other hand,you're prettty new here and well.....we have to be honest and we have to know we can trust you of course

Do you see the possibility to come along next saturday so at least we can meet there ?
SO....anyone who is on the WANTED list and wants to be moved to the RESERVED list MUST confirm he will come on the day or have arranged storage with Polderarcade or Rorsach. This has to be confirmed to me by Polder & Rorsach. Those who will have the cabs transported by the seller MUST pay to ME upfront enough of money to pay the seller. THey also MUST agree that I do the negotiation of the price. Of course you can indicate a maximum. Again, prices WILL be very reasonable. As mentioned, the Taito's can go for 50 euro, the PD for 100 so that sets about the range. I dont think anything will be more than 150 really.
Here's the updated list so far:
Level42: Hard Drivin' cockpit
Kroustibat: Virua Fighter2, Breakout
Hatster: Power Drift, Breakout, Super Bug (1/4)
Polderarcade: Ridge Racer 2x, Super Bug (2/4), Tekken, Phoenix cabaret (for friend)
ckong: Super Bug (3/4) MUST have PCB & non faded marquee & decent bezel,MAYBE Super Bug (4/4)
ChrisChris: (Super) Breakout if any left..
RobinHolland: Vanguard (Zaccaria), 1 Taito cab, maybe more Zacc's ?
Eurotronic: (Super) Breakout if any left... and Mechanized Attack
WANTED list:
Alpha1: Taito Phoenix, Taito Space Chaser (IF in good condition and complete....)
Blanka: Generic "beaten" cab
Rémi75: Taito cabs
Belike: Zacc's ?