So i needed some switches....
and Ully too for his vindicators..
Time to slaughter this Keyboard out and get me some !

A few screws and it pops right open, no trouble here

Lets start to extract the keys from the switches,
after my fingers started to hurt, i tried a new method:
place the pliers, some pressure, and then....

The key flies into the garden in my case

Keys removed..

Time to desolder a few joints....

Some new tin to start the flowing...

and pictures say more than 1000 words..

halfway there ..

Hmm, the desolder iron stops sucking, maybe the tincatcher is full ?

Okay al done..

And here the example why i love a desolder tool...
the PCB comes off like it was never soldered..

Who need switches ?

@ Ully do you think that 80 is enough ? i will keep 24 myself

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Vindicators topic guys !