Well, In addition of a laser disc, Dragon's Lair II uses a dedicated board (no jamma).
But will make your project not easy to set up is the fact that DL 2 uses overlay display : in short, your monitor will receive data from the LD player for the game movie, but also overlay indication text...
The easy solution for your jamma setup would be the use of the Jamma version of the Ultracade Dragon's Lair 20th anniversary :

what's inside this re-issue cab'


A jamma connector... and a small computer...

...closer :

That would be the plug'n'play solution (and you'll have Dragon's Lair + Space Ace) but don't ask me where to buy the board only, I've never seen one for sale alone...
The other solution is to use a computer, configured with Daphne emulator, and the use of the J-Pac in order to hook it to your jamma connector... and you'll get the perfect emulation