Wow, vectorizing the CK art is consuming more time then I expected. But it's fun to do, and educational.

I was hoping to pick already done pieces here and there, but it turns out that I will vectorize almost every part of the art. Two exceptiona are the monkey and Mario. Etiènne did a great job on The Ape, I only had to add the pink belly spots. And Spinnhacker made a very nice vectorized Mario, I will only need to adjust the shoes a bit and one hand. Stuff that is finished:
- the uppert part of the art (stars and stripes)
- the lower part of the art (blocks, stars and stripes)
- the vertical yellow ornaments on the edges of the cab (and that I don't like)
- both barrels
- Pauline
- The stars and stripes below and around Pauline
- the ladders
Anyway, thanks to the original scan images from Etiènne I was able to restitch Pauline properly and redo her. This is Pauline in original condition:

And this is Pauline, digitally 'Remastered':

Pretty good. Don't mind the colors, they are not final yet.